如何判断是否是称职的管理者How to Judge You are a Competent Manager
How tojudge you are a competent manager? Is your management way being accepted byyour subordinate? These two questions can get the answers from your employee’sperformance. There are eight kinds of employee performance can show thereference. 如何判断你是一个称职的管理者呢?管理风格是否为员工所认可?回答这两个问题可以从你的员工的表现那里得到答案,有八种迹象可供参考。 The first one, although youare not in office, your subordinates know to do what you expect. That means youhave your subordinates understood your expecting to them, and give them enoughauthority to do what you think is right. 第一,即使你不在办公室,你的员工也知道你期望他们做什么。这意味着你已经让每个人明白了你对他们的期望,并且赋予了他们充分的自由去做自己认为正确的事情。 The second one, when return tooffice, your subordinate will tell you what they have done, why they did that,and what the result. That means they believe themselves, and believe you alsothink they did the right thing. 第二,当你回到办公室,你的员工会主动告诉你他们做了什么,为什么那样做,出现了什么样的结果。这意味着他们对自己做的事情相当自信,并且相信你也认为他们做对了。 The third one, when you have aregular meeting, your subordinates feel relax and say what they think. If thereare few subordinates positive to say, that means you may be too autocratic attimes. 第三,在你召开例行会议时,你的员工个个都很放松,并且能够畅所欲言。如果开口的人寥寥无几,意味着你平时可能太过专制。 The fourth one, for allhappened in the company, few subordinates spread or guess. That means you makea good communication. 第四,对于公司里发生的一切,鲜有人传播小道消息或无端猜测。这意味你的沟通工作做得相当不错。 The fifth one, yoursubordinates use the same way to face the customers. That means you have makeproper standard in this area, also means they clearly know what the company’starget, and know what they should do. 第五,你的员工对待客户的方式与你对待客户的方式一样。这意味着你已经在这方面给员工确立了一个适当的标准,也意味着他们非常清楚公司的目标,知道自己应该做什么。 The sixth, your subordinatescan respect and cooperation well each other. Usually, employees complicit moreoften, that is because the leaders endure someone’s not good performance. Butwhen they cooperate well, that means the manager is a fair and effectiveleader. 第六,你的员工能够彼此尊重,合作无间。通常,员工之间冲突不断,是因为领导容忍某些人的不良表现。当他们之间合作无间,往往意味着你是一个公平、得力的领导者。 The seventh one, when yoursubordinates get your negative feedback, they will not be angry or be shocked.That means your subordinates recognize your view, also means you can wellcontrol the skill that not hurt their self-respect, and has the negativefeedback skills. 第七,在收到你的负面反馈后,你的员工不会生气或觉得震惊。这意味着员工认可你的看法,也意味着你很好地掌握了在不伤害他们自尊的情况下,提供负面反馈的技巧。 At last, when happenspersonnel deficit, your subordinates will positive recommend candidates. If thecompany has the low rate of staff turnover, that means they are happy to goalong with you, and work together with you. 最后,当出现人手不足的情况时,你的员工会主动推荐好的候选人,公司的员工流失率低。这意昧着他们乐意追随你,乐意与你一起工作。 |