大学生该出去兼职吗?Should University Students do Part-time Jobs?
In today’sjob hunting market, many companies tend to hire students who have jobexperiences. It seems that working experience seems to be an indispensable partof job hunting. However, in my humble opinion, students should focus on theirstudy instead of sacrificing their precious time to meet the short-termfinancial needs. The disadvantages of doing part-time jobs outweigh itsadvantages. 现在的人才市场,许多公司更倾向于应聘那些有工作经验的学生。看起来拥有工作经验已经成为了找工作不可缺的一部分。然而,在我看来,学生不应该牺牲他们的宝贵时间去换取零用钱。兼职的缺点远大与优点。 First ofall, part-time jobs deprive students’ time of study, entertainment, sleep andother social activities. Wishing to find a balance between academia and job,one may find himself caught in a dilemma. On one hand, he hopes that he canhave some contribution on academics study, on the other hand, he wish he canmake more money though part-time jobs. But the truth is, you can't have yourcake and eat it too. More evidence indicates that students working more than 20hours a week have lower grades; some of them even fall in the exams. 首先,兼职剥夺了学生学习、娱乐、休息和其他社交活动的时间。越是想在学习和兼职之间找到平衡,就越会发现自己其实进退两难。一方面,希望自己能在学术上有所建树;另一方面,又希望自己能赚更多的钱。但事实上,鱼和熊掌不可兼得。更多的证据表示那些一周工作超过20个小时的学生成绩更差,有些人甚至在考试中挂科。 Second,some students may become so preoccupied with money-making that they can notfocus their attention on studying. The part-time may help ease the students’financial burden, but may have negative effects on them. According to thesurvey, many working youth expressed a cynical attitude toward schoolwork andfuture life. They even play truant to make money. What’s worse, most of thepart-time jobs offer students’ limited value to their self-improvement. Servingat the fast food restaurant or being a salesman in a supermarket won’t give youtoo much experience. Sometimes, it’s just a waste of time. 其次,有些学生因为把太多心思花在挣钱上以至于他们不能集中精力学习。兼职是可以减轻财政负担,但也会产生负面的影响。通过调查显示:出去兼职的学生对学校布置的作业和人生产生了厌烦的情绪,更有甚者逃学出去工作。更加糟糕的是,大多数的兼职不会给学生的自我提升太多的好处。在快餐店打工或者是在超市里当售货员不会给你太多的经验。有时候,这就是浪费时间。 In summary,the students should quit their part-time jobs and enjoy the lives on campus.They should view study as their priority in university days. It’s not worthy togo outside to do the jobs. 一句话:学生应该辞掉他们的兼职,好好享受在校时光。他们应该把学习排在第一位。出去兼职,这并不值得。 |