行善需谨慎 Be careful of being Nice
Parents always teach us to help the others whoare needed, it’s a good way to show our kindness and when we are helping otherswe feel good about it. But there are some bad people who like to take advantageof good person, they set a trap to them, and then deprive the good person’sbelongings, or even their life. 父母亲常常教育我们要帮助有需要的人,这是展示我们友好的方式,当我们帮助别人的时候,我们也会感觉良好。但是会有坏人会占好人的便宜,他们陷害好人,然后剥夺他们的财物,甚至他们的生命。 There was a famous case that a 17 years old girl was asked by a gravidato send her home who were claiming had a stomachache, the nice girl promisedthat she will sent the gravida home safely. When they back at home, it turnsout that it was a trap. That evil woman just wanted to find a girl for herhusband to have sex life because she is pregnant. At last, that innocent girlwas killed for not being cooperating. 有一个很出名的案子,一个说是肚子疼的妇女向一个17岁的女孩求助,让她送她回家,这位善良的女孩答应她会把她安全送回家。但当她们到家的时候,发现这是一个陷阱。那个坏女人只是想帮她丈夫找个女生过性生活,因为她自己怀孕了。最后,这个无辜的女孩因为不合作而被杀害了。 Parents now should teach their children a new way to be a kind person.:when we met a lost kid, an owner who are holding a dying pet, a gravida who arelooking uncomfortable, the best way is call the police, contact their familymember, stay in a busy downtown area as far as possible and call the ambulance.Don’t and never sent them to the place they asked. 现在父母该教他们孩子做好人的新方法。当我们遇到迷路的孩子,怀里抱着生命垂危的宠物的主人,看起来很不舒服的孕妇,最好的方法就是报警,联系家人,尽可能地待在热闹的地方,求医。永远也不要送他们到他们要求的地方去。 Being nice is great, but we should find the best way to being nice.Helping others could make the world a better place, but don’t get hurt when youare helping. 友善是好的,但我们要找最好的方法去展示我们的友善。帮助他人能让这个世界更美好,但别让自己在帮助别人的时候受伤害。 |