2024-08-0524EN Editor's Note:Do you dread networking events? Wonder about what to say? Do you find there is something uncomfortable or possibly distasteful ...
昔日华尔街白领 今朝餐厅服务员
2024-08-05Carlos Araya used to order lobster, filet mignon and $200 bottles of red wine at the Palm Restaurant in midtown Manhattan.Now, he seats customers at i...
2023-12-0824EN编者按:据科学家报告,生活在关系密切的社会群体中的狒狒更为健康,而且它们下一代的寿命更长。该研究支持了这种想法:关系密切的人类群体对身心健康是非常有益的。而且也揭示了人类祖先群居生活的进化进程。Baboons that live in close social groups are heal...
男性更钟情普通身材女性 不爱模特女郎
2024-08-05Men find averagely shaped women more attractive than fashion models and Playboy centrefolds, claim scientists.Researchers found that men preferred the...
2024-08-05A lifetime of happiness ! No man alive could bear it ; it would be hell on earth .(G. Bernard Shaw ,British dramatist )终身幸福!这是任何活着的人都无法忍受的,那将是人间地狱。(名人...
2024-08-05When you're dating a guy, you can forgive him for some indiscretions, but it's nearly impossible to turn the other cheek if he strays. Well, C...
殷勤献尽 却只收到好人卡
2024-08-05爱思英语编者按:假如女性朋友们在给男同胞发“好人卡”时,把内心的真实想法都确实地说出来,会是什意思呢?那就是……咱们做恋人缘分不够,但可以一辈子做最好的朋友哦!I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen...
2024-08-05爱思英语编者按:随着廉价信贷供给的枯竭以及学校和大学毕业生即将涌入被经济衰退打击了的就业市场,成千上万的对20世纪90年代初的不景气没印象的年经人震惊的发现2009年的世界非常的不同以往。Back in the carefree days of the Noughties boom, Britain...
女生必读: 花心男出轨特征揭露
2023-12-0824EN Editor's Note:When you're dating a guy, you can forgive him for some indiscretions, but it's nearly impossible to turn the other chee...
2024-08-0524EN Editor's Note:ANGELINA Jolie is thinking of turning her attention to politics with a view to ending up in the White House, it has been reveal...