受伤袋鼠闯入墨尔本机场 跑到医疗室欲“就医”
2024-10-11爱思英语编者按:一只袋鼠蹦进了澳大利亚墨尔本机场,窜进了机场航站楼二楼的一家药店里,后来在那里被当局抓获。A kangaroo hopped into Melbourne airport in Australia and has been captured by authorities, after...
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:即使你并不是百万富翁,你也可以偷学这些工作理念、退休概念甚至起床时间观念。You don't have to be a millionaire to steal these ideas about work, retirement and even getting up in...
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:交朋友,总有感情深浅。有的人值得一交,而有的人却值得深交。如何区分泛泛之交和至交好友?How To Size Up A FriendshipThis article will help you understand why some friends stay for years, w...
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:无论你是失去了工作还是女朋友,要不了多久就会有人告诉你,重新振作起来,时间会治愈所有的伤痛。无论你是失去了工作还是女朋友,要不了多久就会有人告诉你,重新振作起来,时间会治愈所有的伤痛。Whether you've lost a job or a girlfriend, it ...
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:全球每年约有三分之一的粮食被浪费,浪费量大约为13亿吨。与此同时,生产和处理粮食所需的能源、水和化学制品也被浪费。ROME, Sep 11 (Reuters) - The food the world wastes accounts for more greenhouse gas e...
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:李小龙告诉我们,生命不是用长短来衡量的,有的人虽生犹死,有的虽死犹生。16条人生哲学激励你向前。16 Motivational Life Lessons from Bruce LeeIf you’re a martial artist, then it’s p...
中秋节的传统 Mid-Autumn Festival Traditions
2023-11-24The most common traditions for Mid-Autumn Festival are eating mooncakes and gazing at the moon. Ethnic minority people has their own customs to celebr...
中秋节双语祝福语 Mid-Autumn Festival Greeting
2023-11-24Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!中秋快乐!Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!祝你和你的家人中秋快乐!Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching... May you smile li...
The Moon Festival - Mid-Autumn Festival
2023-11-24The Moon festival (also called the Mooncake or Mid-Autumn festival) falls on September 19th in 2013. What is the Moon festival? Every year on the fift...
2024-10-04爱思英语编者按:美国《纽约时报》网站11日刊登俄罗斯总统普京撰写的评论文章,呼吁美国政府通过联合国和平解决叙利亚化学武器危机,而不是豁然发动军事行动。A Plea for Caution from RussiaWhat Putin Has to Say to Americans about Syri...