
  • 爱思英语编者按:肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)也叫运动神经元病(MND),后一名称英国常用,法国又叫夏科(Charcot)病,而美国也称卢伽雷氏(Lou Gehrig)病。我国通常将肌萎缩侧索硬化和运动神经元病混用。它是上运动神经元和下运动神经元损伤之后,导致包括球部(所谓球部,就是指的是延髓支配的这部分...

  • 爱思英语编者按:放手过去,才能面对未来;学会原谅,才会过得更好。When we are born, we are unblemished. As we grow, we develop many complexities due to many influences in our lives. Du...

  • 爱思英语编者按:减少工作时长是否成功也许与工作的类型,工作量以及监督的经理有更多关系,而不是这个国家或公司做出的改变。Andrew Bauer needed a way to invigorate his staff working the production line.I used to hav...

  • 爱思英语编者按:张爱玲的云片糕和凯司令下午茶,菲茨杰拉德的金酒和柠檬蛋糕,还有古典小说里那些精致到听名字都舍不得吃的糕点。文学与美食的激荡总能让我们心驰神往。A Feast of Literature and Food: Those Delicious Foods in 15 Classic Nov...

  • I have two daughters. Norah is 4 and Aspen is just 3 months. Their lives look very different than mine did as a child. My father left when I was a 9 y...

  • 爱思英语编者按:在MH17的遇难者中,有80个孩子,其中3个是还没有学会对世界说你好”的婴儿。他们的笑容永远定格在照片中,留给家人的,是无尽的悲伤与想念。Smiling in happy family snapshots, these are the innocent child vic...

  • 爱思英语编者按:你有人生目标吗?或者只是在盲目地行走,就像梦游一般。如果是,赶快醒来吧,光阴经不起蹉跎。Do you have a clear direction for your life? What life long goals and dreams do you have for your ...

  • 爱思英语编者按:以前,你可以随心所欲吃任何想吃的东西,而不用担心生病、胃不舒服或体重明显增加;以前,你几乎从不运动,体型也不会发酵一圈。但现在,你再也不能了!1. Losing the ability to eat whatever the hell you want with impunity a...

  • 1. When you first get home and see a stocked refrigerator and pantry.一回家就看见满满当当的冰箱和食物柜。Because the memories of binging on boring college food like thi...

  • Mark Twain on MasturbationIf you must gamble away your life sexually, don’t play a Lone Hand too much.”In 1879, 44-year-old Mark Twain &md...

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