Ezra Pound - The Garret
2023-12-05Come, let us pity those who are better off than we are.Come, my friend, and remember that the rich have butlers and no friends,And we have friends and...
Ezra Pound - The Garden
2023-12-05En robe de parade. SamainLike a skien of loose silk blown against a wallShe walks by the railing of a path in Kensington Gardens,And she is dying piec...
Ezra Pound - The Encounter
2023-12-05All the while they were talking the new moralityHer eyes explored me.And when I rose to goHer fingers were like the tissueOf a Japanese paper napkin....
Ezra Pound - Song
2023-12-05Winter is icummen in,Lhude sing Goddamm,Raineth drop and staineth slop,and how the wind doth ramm, Sing: Goddamm.Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,An ague ...
Ezra Pound - Sestina: Altaforte
2023-12-05LOQUITUR: En Bertans de Born. Dante Alighieri put this man in hellfor that he was a stirrer up of strife. Eccovi! Judge ye! Have I dughim up again? Th...
Ezra Pound - Portrait d'Une Femme
2023-12-05Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea,London has swept about you this score yearsAnd bright ships left you this or that in fee:Ideas, old gossip, odd...
Ezra Pound - Meditatio
2023-12-05When I carefully consider the curious habits of dogsI am compelled to concludeThat man is the superior animal.When I consider the curious habits of ma...
Ezra Pound - In A Station Of The Metro
2023-12-05The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough....
For three years, out of key with his time,He strove to resuscitate the dead artOf poetry; to maintain "the sublime"In the old sense. Wrong f...
Ezra Pound - Cino
2023-12-05Italian Campagna 1309, the open roadBah! I have sung women in three cities,But it is all the same;And I will sing of the sun.Lips, words, and you snar...