Emily Dickinson - By Chivalries as tiny,
2023-12-06By Chivalries as tiny,A Blossom, or a Book,The seeds of smiles are planted --Which blossom in the dark....
If I should die,
2023-12-06If I should die,And you should live --And time should gurgle on --And morn should beam --And noon should burn --As it has usual done --If Birds should...
Taken from men -- this morning --Carried by men today --Met by the Gods with banners --Who marshalled her away --One little maid -- from playmates --O...
Whether my bark went down at sea
2023-12-06Whether my bark went down at sea --Whether she met with gales --Whether to isles enchantedShe bent her docile sails --By what mystic mooringShe is hel...
I often passed the village
2023-12-06I often passed the villageWhen going home from school --And wondered what they did there --And why it was so still --I did not know the year then --In...
I haven't told my garden yet
2023-12-06I haven't told my garden yet --Lest that should conquer me.I haven't quite the strength nowTo break it to the Bee --I will not name it in the ...
I never lost as much but twice
2023-12-06I never lost as much but twice,And that was in the sod.Twice have I stood a beggarBefore the door of God!Angels -- twice descendingReimbursed my store...
Once more, my now bewildered DoveBestirs her puzzled wingsOnce more her mistress, on the deepHer troubled question flings --Thrice to the floating cas...
Emily Dickinson - Heart! We will forget him!
2023-12-06Heart! We will forget him!You and I -- tonight!You may forget the warmth he gave --I will forget the light!When you have done, pray tell meThat I may ...
Emily Dickinson - I keep my pledge.
2023-12-06I keep my pledge.I was not called --Death did not notice me.I bring my Rose.I plight again,By every sainted Bee --By Daisy called from hillside --by B...