The Prophecy of Capys (16)
2023-12-06XVI ``The ox toils through the furrow, Obedient to the goad; The patient ass, up flinty paths, Plods with his weary load: With whine and bound the spa...
The Prophecy of Capys (15)
2023-12-06XV ``From sunrise unto sunset All earth shall hear thy fame: A glorious city thou shalt build, And name it by thy name: And there, unquenched through ...
The Prophecy of Capys (14)
2023-12-06XIV ``Leave gold and myrrh and jewels, Rich table and soft bed, To them who of man's seed are born, Whom woman's milk have fed. Thou wast not ...
The Prophecy of Capys (13)
2023-12-06XIII ``For thee no treasure ripens In the Tartessian mine; For thee no ship brings precious bales Across the Libyan brine; Thou shalt not drink from a...
The Prophecy of Capys (12)
2023-12-06XII ``But thou——what dost thou here In the old man's peaceful hall? What doth the eagle in the coop, The bison in the stall? Our corn ...
The Prophecy of Capys (11)
2023-12-06XI In the hall-gate sat Capys, Capys, the sightless seer; From head to foot he trembled As Romulus drew near. And up stood stiff his thin white hair, ...
The Prophecy of Capys (10)
2023-12-06X So marched they along the lake; They marched by fold and stall, By cornfield and by vineyard, Unto the old man's hall....
The Prophecy of Capys (9)
2023-12-06IX Two and two behind the twins Their trusty comrades go, Four and forty valiant men, With club, and axe, and bow. On each side every hamlet Pours for...
The Prophecy of Capys (8)
2023-12-06VIII On the left side goes Remus, With wrists and fingers red, And in his hand a boar-spear, And on the point a head—— A wrinkled head and...
The Prophecy of Capys (7)
2023-12-06VII On the right goes Romulus, With arms to the elbows red, And in his hand a broadsword, And on the blade a head—— A head in an iron helm...