2024-10-11We all see and hear about extraordinary people around us and wonder why can’t we be more like them? Sometimes we chuck that notion as absurd and...
2023-11-24人一辈子至少要尝试做一次的20件事So much of what we do in our lives is routine or reactive, not deliberate. Here are 20 things we think everyone should do at least on...
2024-10-11A widow's wish to hear her late husband's voice again has prompted London's subway system to restore a 40-year-old recording of the subway...
2024-09-27人生总是充满遗憾。问问你周围的人他们有没有遗憾的事情,他们会轻而易举的列出一大堆遗憾清单”。由于某些原因,20多岁最容易犯错的年纪。Life is filled with regrets. Ask anyone around you what their regrets are and ...
2023-11-24Seven Matters Will Unconsciously Make You Old让你不知不觉变老的7件事1.Your pillowcase1.你的枕套Obviously, getting enough sleep is always a good thing. But that pillo...
2024-09-1570后,80后,90后--有关爱情A Different Generation's Definition Of Love70后 -- 因为爱情,简单地生长Post-70s Generation - Love Makes the Tough Life Beautiful70后的他们,现在绝大部...
Life inspiring 生活的启示
2024-10-05A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her, She did not know she was going to make it and want to give up....
2024-10-16爱思英语编者按:退休生活乍一听是似乎是属于老年人,文中的作者却在28岁退休体验不一样的生活方式,并且她也推荐读者像她一样,选择与平常不同的生活,看了作者的这篇文章,你会有勇气选择与她一样的生活吗?As of today, I’m retired from work and life.Wh...
2024-10-15爱思英语编者按:都市人生活压力大,每天被各种繁琐的事项所困扰,偶尔的放松体验有助于你的身心健康,或许在你偶然的尝试中会获得不一样的体验,下面就给大家提出五种如何放松的最佳方式,希望对繁忙中的你有所帮助。How to Let Go: 5 Essential Tips5种放松的方式I often wri...
2024-10-10Then followed that beautiful seasonSummer...