2024-08-05Welcome to Our Bank 开门揖盗实为监守自盗 [1]"I wish Central Bank would be robbed," George Pickens said to himself. He had been making this wish daily ...
2024-08-05两条面包[1]Miss Martha Meacham kept the little bakery on the corner (the one where you go up three steps, and the bell tinkles when you open the door).[2]...
2024-08-05My Brain Is Better Than Yours 我的脑筋比你好1. It's an 1)age-old 2)dispute: Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. 3)Males and 4)females show different...
改掉坏毛病 养成好习惯
2024-08-05Change Your Bad Habits to Good改掉坏毛病 养成好习惯To get yourself started in a new direction, try the Three M's. At the University of California, my studen...
2024-08-05How to Be Generous论慷慨[1] The word "gift" has got dangerously devalued of late. Salesmen use so-called free gifts as bait and publicists use ...
2024-08-26Boisterous, Booming Beijing欣欣向荣的北京我望着两旁那些闪闪发亮的高楼大厦,简直不能置信。印象中的北京正深受文化大革命”的摧残,风沙扑面,死气沉沉,落后闭塞。如今北京已敞开大门,并且已迈开大步奔向21世纪。我从他们的脸上看到乐观的情绪,从北京的外貌上,看到一个充...
2024-08-15How a Simple Idea Became a Huge Business我怎样白手起家要是我有个水晶球能窥见未来,我会怎么样呢?许多人一遇到障碍就打退堂鼓,但我不会这样。我一旦有了目标,就必然锲而不舍,全力以赴。我相信人生中充满机会,但我们往往不懂得把握。By Howard Schultz霍...
2024-08-15你能想象得到一个人在经历了两场重大的事故后,在身体高位瘫痪的情况下会取得什么样的成就吗?让我们来看看发生在米切尔身上的事。Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him. ...
2024-05-23健康的小狗和有残疾的小狗,你会选择哪个作为自己的宠物呢?在很多人追求完美的时候,一个小男孩却给我们上了生动的一课。A store owner was tacking a sign above his door that read "Puppies For Sale." Signs...
2024-08-17俗语说:三岁看大,七岁看老”,可以说幼儿园里的启蒙教育对人的一生有着至关重要的影响作用,看看下面这篇文章吧,你会发现,很多被认为最能体现一个人素养的优雅习惯原来都是在幼儿园里形成的。Most of what I really need to know about how to live,...