2024-08-05The New Generation in Japan日本的新一代 IN THIS ARTICLE: Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work (and) prefer easy jobs without heavy respon...
2024-08-09How to be a leader 如何做一个成功的领导者 Being considered a leader in our society is the ultimate『最高的;极至的』compliment. “Leadership has become the universal vitam...
2024-08-09Shrek the Ogre------The ugliest movie star ever史上最丑的电影明星---怪物史瑞克1. The first thing you notice about Shrek the Ogre is that he is ugly. As drawn by Wil...
2024-08-05Graves on the Web网络墓园1. Looking for a dead person? Don't 1)wander from graveyard to 2)graveyard, reading endless 3)tombstones. Find out exactly wh...
2024-08-05My Brain Is Better Than Yours 我的脑筋比你好1. It's an 1)age-old 2)dispute: Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. 3)Males and 4)females show different...
2024-08-07Welcome to Our Bank 开门揖盗实为监守自盗 “I wish Central Bank would be robbed,“ George Pickens said to himself. He had been making this wish daily from the time...
2024-08-09How a Simple Idea Became a Huge Business我怎样白手起家要是我有个水晶球能窥见未来,我会怎么样呢?许多人一遇到障碍就打退堂鼓,但我不会这样。我一旦有了目标,就必然锲而不舍,全力以赴。我相信人生中充满机会,但我们往往不懂得把握。By Howard Schultz霍...
2024-08-08How to Be Generous论慷慨 The word “gift“ has got dangerously devalued of late. Salesmen use so-called free gifts as bait and publicists use them as bribe...
英语散文:手The Hand
2024-08-07The Hand 手 过感恩节的真正意义并不在于收受他人给予我们的有形物质,而是借此机会回馈他人,无论是如何的微小的付出。A Thanksgiving Day editorial『社论』in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her c...
2024-08-05Who Are the Happiest People? 谁是世界上最幸福的人 只有傻瓜才不考虑别人的利益。抛弃自己国家的传统来创造更好的社会是一种错误的方式。 一个民族失去了自己的神话,就失去了自我。They live on a windswept island surrounded by gla...