2023-12-05We walked back to the house together. There was no sign of the inspector. Poirot paused on the terrace and stood with his back to the house, slowly tu...
2023-12-05We found Mrs. Ackroyd in the hall. With her was a small dried-up little man, with an aggressive chin and sharp gray eyes, and lawyer” written al...
2023-12-05I was slightly nervous when I rang the bell at Marby Grange the following afternoon. I wondered very much what Poirot expected to find out. He had ent...
2023-12-05A joint inquest was held on Monday.I do not propose to give the proceedings in detail. To do so would only be to go over the same ground again and aga...
2023-12-05That evening, at Poirot’s request, I went over to his house after dinner. Caroline saw me depart with visible reluctance. I think she would have...
2023-12-05After the evening talk I have just chronicled, the affair seemed to me to enter on a different phase. The whole thing can be divided into two parts, e...
2023-12-05I was to have a further proof that day of the success of Poirot’s tactics. That challenge of his had been a subtle touch born of his knowledge o...
2023-12-05That night we had a little Mah Jong party. This kind of simple entertainment is very popular in King’s Abbot. The guests arrive in goloshes and ...
2023-12-05It occurred to me the next morning that under the exhilaration produced by Tin-ho, or the Perfect Winning, I might have been slightly indiscreet. True...
2023-12-05Half an hour later saw Poirot, myself, and Inspector Raglan in the train on the way to Liverpool. The inspector was clearly very excited.We may get a ...