
  • 褐衣男子23


    (Extract from the diary of Sir Eustace Pedler)I am inclined to abandon my Reminiscences. Instead I shall write a short article entitled Secretaries I ...

  • 褐衣男子24


    (Anne’s Narrative Resumed)I thoroughly enjoyed the journey up to Rhodesia.There was something new and exciting to see every day. First the wonde...

  • 褐衣男子25


    We arrived at Bulawayo early on Saturday morning. I was disappointed in the place. It was very hot, and I hated the hotel. Also Sir Eustace was what I...

  • 褐衣男子26


    I came to myself slowly and painfully. I was conscious of an aching head and a shooting pain down my left arm when I tried to move, and everything see...

  • 褐衣男子32


    (Anne’s Narrative Resumed)I had great trouble with Suzanne. She argued, she pleaded, she even wept before she would let me carry out my plan. Bu...

  • 褐衣男子27


    You are right. My real name is Harry Lucas. My father was a retired soldier who came out to farm in Rhodesia. He died when I was in my second year at ...

  • 褐衣男子28


    Harry listened attentively whilst I recounted all the events that I have narrated in these pages. The thing that bewildered and astonished him most wa...

  • 褐衣男子29


    (Extract from the diary of Sir Eustace Pedler)As I remarked once before, I am essentially a man of peace. I yearn for a quiet life—and that&rsqu...

  • 褐衣男子30


    Johannesburg,March 6th.There is something about the state of things here that is not at all healthy. To use the well-known phrase that I have so often...

  • 褐衣男子31


    (Anne’s Narrative Resumed)As soon as I got to Kimberley I wired to Suzanne.She joined me there with the utmost dispatch, heralding her arrival w...

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