THAT evil influence which carried me first away from my father's house-which hurried me into the wild and indigested notion of raising my fortune,...
I WAS born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family, though not of that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen, who settled fir...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 25
2023-12-05It was lucky that the padre should have been at Kyauktada, for he was able, before catching the train on the following evening, to read the burial ser...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 24
2023-12-05It was nearly six o'clock in the evening, and the absurd bell in the six-foot tin steeple of the church went clank-clank, clank- clank! as old Mat...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 23
2023-12-05Next day the town was quieter than a cathedral city on Monday morning. It is usually the case after a riot. Except for the handful of prisoners, every...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 22
2023-12-05Maxwell's death had caused a profound shock in Kyauktada. It would cause a shock throughout the whole of Burma, and the case--'the Kyauktada c...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 21
2023-12-05O western wind, when wilt thou blow, that the small rain down can rain? It was the first of June, the day of the general meeting, and there had not be...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 20
2023-12-05Next morning there was great excitement in Kyauktada, for the long- rumoured rebellion had at last broken out. Flory heard only a vague report of it a...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 19
2023-12-05The heat was growing worse and worse. April was nearly over, but there was no hope of rain for another three weeks, five weeks it might be. Even the l...
Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 18
2023-12-05After the row overnight Ellis was looking forward to a week of baiting Flory. He had nicknamed him Nancy--short for nigger's Nancy Boy, but the wo...