
  • Chapter 3The Man with the Gold ToothIt was a few days later, when we were sitting at breakfast, that Poirot flung across to me a letter that he had ju...

  • Chapter 2A Supper PartyAfter a moment’s astonishment Poirot recovered himself !‘But, Madame,’ he said, his eyes twinkling, ‘ge...

  • Chapter 1A Theatrical PartyThe memory of the public is short. Already the intense interest and excitement aroused by the murder of George Alfred St Vi...

  • 蓝色列车之谜1


    Chapter 1 THE MAN WITH THE WHITE HAIRIt was close on midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde. In spite of the handsome fur coat which gar...

  • 蓝色列车之谜2


    Chapter 2 M. LE MARQUISThe man with the white hair continued on his course unhurried, and seemingly indifferent to his surroundings. He took a side tu...

  • 蓝色列车之谜3


    Chapter 3HEART OF FIRERufus Van Aldin passed through the revolving doors of the Savoy, and walked to the reception desk. The desk clerk smiled a respe...

  • 蓝色列车之谜4


    Chapter 4IN CURZON STREETThe Hon Mrs Derek Kettering lived in Curzon Street. The butler who opened the door recognized Rufus Van Aldin at once and per...

  • 蓝色列车之谜5


    Chapter 5A USEFUL GENTLEMANRufus Van Aldin had just finished the sparse breakfast of coffee and dry toast, which was all he ever allowed himself when ...

  • 蓝色列车之谜6


    Chapter 6 MIRELLEDerek Kettering emerged from Van Aldin's suite so precipitantly that he collided with a lady passing across the corridor. He apol...

  • 蓝色列车之谜7


    Chapter 7 LETTERS"Mrs Samuel Harfield presents her compliments to Miss Katherine Grey and wishes to point out that under the circumstances Miss G...

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