
  • 迈克尔总是乐呵呵的,你总能听到他说些积极上进的话。他似乎生来就积极进取。他这样告诉他的员工:每天早晨醒来,我对自己说,迈克尔,今天你有两种选择,选择心情愉快,选择心情恶劣,我选择心情愉快;有不愉快的事情发生,选择成为一个牺牲品,或是选择从中吸取教训,我选择吸取教训。” 迈克尔从60英尺的...

  • The BlanketBy Floyd DellFloyd Dell, born June 28, 1887, Barry, Ill., U.S. died July 23, 1969, Bethesda, Md. novelist and radical journalist whose fict...

  • A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows t...

  • 导读:春天来了,夏天也不远了,衣柜里的衣服还穿的下吗?商店橱窗里的美丽不想尝试?男孩子们还拥有去年夏日矫健的身姿吗?赶快开始调整饮食吧,抛弃冬日的臃肿,吃出健康,吃出美丽,成为别人眼中的亮丽风景吧!Lose weight, eat less junk food -- they top many li...

  • There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved; it is God's finger on man's shoulder.--Charles MorganI was married three t...

  • But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the ...

  • When he told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just smashed. There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telli...

  • 1 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. and yellow leaves of autumn, which ha...

  • [1]Recently I gave a dinner party for some close friends. To add a touch of elegance to the evening, I brought out the good stuff--my white Royal Crow...

  • Picasso And MeBy Art Buchwald from washingtonpost.comThis is the 50th anniversary of the day I crossed paths with Pablo Picasso. It came about in a st...