
  • 新冠疫情暴发以来,越来越多的公司选择让员工在家办公。最新调查显示,如果这一趋势继续下去,更多企业将缩小办公面积,并将办公区从市中心转移到郊区。Local high streets could be poised for a revival if the trend for home working ...

  • 作为时尚界的长青树,牛仔裤一直是四季必备的经典单品。然而疫情的暴发却动摇了这棵长青树的地位,多家主打牛仔裤的知名服装品牌都已申请破产。牛仔裤也要面临生存危机了吗?As many continue to stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic, jeans ar...

  • 白宫冠状病毒应对工作小组协调员德博拉·伯克斯8月2日表示,全美新冠疫情进入新阶段”,病毒传播范围比疫情早期更广泛。她敦促美国人外出佩戴口罩,遵守防疫指南。美国疾控中心的一项最新预测显示,未来三周可能有近2万名美国人死于新冠肺炎。Dr. Deborah Birx, the W...

  • AIIB member count hits 103亚投行成员国增至103个The number of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank members has reached 103 after the inclusion of West African c...

  • Original drawing of Olympic rings奥运会旗原始图样拍卖An Olympic flag design created by Pierre de Coubertin was sold for 185,000 euros on Sunday, the auction hou...

  • Scientists have said that humans could live on Mars only if fungi found inside the Chernobyl nuclear reactor is used to protect against radiation.科学家称...

  • 伴随疫情而来的社交隔离措施给人们的生活带来了许多不便,但是NBC的记者发现,实施社交隔离之后,包括流感在内的其他呼吸道传染病的发病率也下降了。According to NBC News’ Medical Correspondent Dr. John Torres, there appea...

  • 当地时间8月3日,全美各地几十个学区的教职人员发起游行示威,抗议政府在新冠疫情加重的情况下计划开学,恢复面对面的授课模式。Teachers at dozens of school districts protested from their cars on Monday over plans by ...

  • UK to tackle obesity issue英国公布减肥抗疫计划The UK government will enforce a number of regulations on food retailers and advertisers to combat weight gain, as...

  • Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator, said on Sunday that the US is "in a new phase" of battling against the...