2024-01-05Many people come to us in our lives.会有许多人走进我们的人生But most of them are just trivial passangers.但他们中的大部分都是无关紧要的过客。They show up here and there, now and th...
2024-08-25During Plant Week, my Kindergarten students learn all about the importance of plants in our lives, the different kinds of plants in our area, and (the...
2024-01-06Every morning, you are defining how your life would be like.每一天早上,你都在定义你未来人生的模样。No, I'm not saying the cliche that every morning you have the chan...
2024-08-04It was a summer day. And old man strolled on a hill cheerfully.那是一个夏日。一位老人正神清气爽地在山坡上散步。He wiped theperspirationon his forehead with his sleeve and kep...
2024-08-04Sure, money cannot buy you everything.诚然,钱不能带给你一切。But no one candenythat it's necessary.但所有人都不得不承认:钱是必要的。I need money to have a shelter so that I ...
2023-11-25Being tired is rubbish.疲倦真是件烦人的事。You want nothing more than to return to bed, but more often than not you have the whole day ahead of you. It’s the wo...
2023-11-25With the years gone by, I have found that more and more people that I met have different views from mine.随着一年一年过去,我发现,我和越来越多的人观点不同。Sometimes I couldn&...
2023-11-25If you're really longing for love, don't just wait for it to happen.如果你真的渴望爱情,就不要只是期待遇到谁。Make yourself deservingthis love.去让自己变得值得拥有这份爱情吧。Don&...
2023-11-251. If someone pissed you off, what you should focus on is not how they did it but how you can manage your own emotion.如果有人惹怒了你,你需要注意的不是他们到底做了什么,而是你应该如...
2023-11-25Talking about traveling or new jobs, many people often think of “change of environment, change of mood”.每每说起旅行或者新工作,很多人想到的往往是“换个环境,换个心情”。But is it rea...