2023-12-06如果你家里只养了一只猫,你可能会以为猫的性格只有一种,那就是时而高冷,时而粘人。但是如果你接触的猫足够多,你会发现,猫和人一样,也有不同的性格类型。Ask any cat person to describe their feline friend, and they'll likely a...
2023-12-06运动健身时穿白色衣物绝对不是一个明智选择。白色衣物本就矫情”,不仅不耐脏,穿久了还容易变黄,怎么洗都洗不干净。白色衣服应该如何清洗,今天就为大家解开这个洗衣难题。最重要的是及时清洗皇家墨尔本理工大学时装讲师乔治亚·麦科基尔称:Sweat marks are left by ...
2023-12-06今年流行背什么包?如果你稍微留意一下,你会发现周围的很多女生都背着棉布手提袋,看上去轻便又环保。但是棉布袋真的对环境无害吗?事实可能会让你大吃一惊!Cotton bags have become a means for brands, retailers and supermarkets to te...
2023-12-06很多人都有午睡的习惯,午睡有不少好处,比如提升记忆力、创造力,但如果方式不对,也会带来不良影响。并不是睡得越久越好The ideal nap length, according to scientists, is 20 to 25 minutes. Any longer and you’...
2023-12-06So much modern technology already relies on light. But there's still more potential locked away in these beams. In a lab in Cambridge, this team s...
为视力障碍者设计能摸的 “画”
2023-12-06Art tends to be, by its very nature, a visual medium. A display of colour and light, texture and contrast.就其本质而言,艺术往往是一种视觉媒介,是对色彩、光线、质地和反差的一种展现。But ga...
2023-12-06They are huge and ancient trees. Most likely to be found in California – like these sequoias in Yosemite National Park. But if you wait, you are...
2023-12-06A race against time to reveal our ancient past.考古人员为揭开远古的奥秘争分夺秒。The team from the Natural History Museum has just three days to excavate this unique s...
2023-12-06家畜的粪便是温室气体的一大来源,为了减少家畜随地排泄对环境的危害,德国科学家对奶牛进行了如厕训练,结果发现,牲畜比人们想的更聪明。If you can potty-train a child, you can potty-train a cow. At least, that was the the...
2023-12-06鸟类如何长途跋涉,飞越海洋和陆地?科学家离揭开这个谜团又近了一步。Scientists studied the robin – a familiar garden bird that can sometimes migrate – flying alone, at night...