前段时间,教育部颁布的《高等学校命名暂行办法》规定了之后的大学、学院、高职等学校的命名事项。 《办法》称学校校名不能用的字词包括:“中华” “中国” “国家” “国际” “华北” “华东” “东北” “西南”;还不得冠以学校所在城市以外的地域名,不得使用其他组织或个人拥有的商标、字号、名称等,不得使用国外高校的中文译名和简称等等,详见这里。 这一《办法》的出台自然是为了正一正高校无端改名的现象,让学校回归学习与研究。在《办法》出台前,许多高校的确都改过名。 早在新中国成立以前,武汉大学就历经武昌高等师范学校、国立武昌大学、国立第二中山大学以及国立武汉大学等数个名字,类似的,华中科技大学以前也叫过华中工学院和华中理工大学。 进入新世纪,高等院校改自己的名字也没有停下来,例如,北方交通大学2003年改名为北京交通大学,其实1970年之前,它本就叫做北京交通大学。绕晕了吧。另外,中国传媒大学是2004年才更了名,此前叫做北京广播学院。 相似的是,英国的大学也很喜欢改名,令人忍俊不禁。比方说,往名字里加“伦敦”就认为听起来高大上。 往校名里加“伦敦”二字 Increasingly, institutions a little closer to the capital are including London in their name. Thames Valley University became the University of West London in 2011, Brunel University added London to its title in 2014 after gaining permission from the Privy Council, and others that use the capital in their title include Kingston University and Middlesex University. According to Paul Temple, reader emeritus at the UCL Institute of Education, adding London to a name suggests that an institution is part of the illustrious Golden Triangle with Oxford and Cambridge. It also evokes the glamour and culture unmatched by any other UK city, in an effort to hook prospective international students and British countryside dwellers alike, he said. 《哈利·波特》的作者罗琳自己可能也没想到笔下的霍格沃茨魔法学校的设定会成为许多大学竞相模仿的对象,虽说名字不能改成魔法学校,但是餐厅却可以布置成古色古香的挑高模样。 模仿霍格沃茨 Maximize the history. Students love institutions with pedigree: the older, the better. The websites of the universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Newcastle are littered with images of their oldest buildings. So much so, that you could be forgiven for thinking that the entire city around the university is ancient and ornate. Winston Kwon, Chancellor’s fellow in strategy in the University of Edinburgh’s business school, suggests that the popularity of the Harry Potter books has played a part in the shift, with J. K. Rowling’s work offering a fantasy-world remix of the Oxbridge aesthetic. Dining halls with vaulted ceilings impress applicants looking for a “traditional” education, which tends to correlate well with strong performance in the league tables. Adopting a traditional coat of arms, a Latin motto, and if possible a castle, will surely make those Ucas applications come flying in…by owl, of course. 英国高校改名还喜欢蹭皇室的光,名字里不是“皇家”就是“女王”,再不济也要有个“摄政王”。 有皇家内味儿 Adopting a regal-style name is a relatively easy way to woo the international crowd. Royal Holloway, Queen Mary and Imperial all sound royally English, something the likes of the University of Westminster and Regent’s University London (which cannily also has the capital in its name) may have tried to emulate. Royal Holloway 数年前,伦敦国王学院就因为名字里有“学院”二字,而想要直接去掉。但是剩下的“King's London”激起了一众学生、老师、和校友的联署反对。毕竟怎么听怎么像《权游》里的“King’s Landing”。 Students at King’s College London set up an e-petition to stop the institution’s rebranding plans, which they labelled “bizarre”. They added that the change would “undermine almost 200 years of tradition” at “huge and unnecessary expense”. More than 12,000 staff, students and alumni signed the petition, and just over a month after the protest was launched, King’s ditched its plans. King’s College London 利兹大都会大学的学生听说学校想改名,明确表示了反对。但没用,学校还是改成了“利兹贝克特大学”。 Thousands also “liked” a Facebook group calling for Leeds Metropolitan University to keep its name, but to no avail – it was reborn as Leeds Beckett University in 2014. Leeds Beckett University 高校改名不是一件小事。伦敦国王学院虽然改名没成功,但是也花了30万英镑。利兹大都会大学改成利兹贝克特大学也花了25万英镑。花钱的地方很多,比方说公文信笺抬头重做重印就很花钱。 关于英国高校改名,Kwon说得很明白,新瓶装旧酒注定卖不动。 According to Kwon, “Rebranding on its own is like putting a new coat of paint on an old house. If the house has been thoughtfully updated, then the paint is a symbol of that, and will resonate with the target audience.” However, “if it is just a coat of paint on a tired structure, then people quickly see through it because the message doesn’t resonate”.
reader [ˈriːdər] n. 准教授(英国大学教师,仅次于教授) |