真正的名媛是什么样呢?这段近百年前三位女性的珍贵留影,也许能给你答案。 这则珍贵视频拍摄于1929年,来自美国南卡罗来纳大学(University of South Carolina)的动态影像研究数据库(Moving Image Research Collections)。 三位民国小姐姐面对镜头从容大方,分别用汉、英、粤语描述自己的发型和妆容,让人感到十分亲切自然。 看完这段影像,人们纷纷赞叹她们端庄优雅的谈吐和气质。同时,中间这位女子的英语更是讲究! Since bobbed hair came into fashion, we often have it curled and marcelled. ✤ bobbed hair n. 波波头 The Marcel Wave是一种上世纪20年代流行的波浪发型,这种效果是将头发缠绕在烧热的铁棒(heated curling irons)上制造出来的。该技术由法国理发师Francois Marcel在1872年发明。 ✤ have it curled and marceled 语法知识来了,have something done的句型了解一下:使某事物被以某种方式处理。这里指把头发烫卷。 Jade earrings are exceedingly popular, and we often have brooches and dinner rings to match. ✤ jade [dʒeɪd] n. 翡翠,玉 match是大家熟知的常用词,“相配”这一地道用法大家可以学起来。如: The skirt matches the jacket perfectly. How to dress one's hair is also a problem for the Chinese ladies. Some of us have remained loyal to the lovely sleek Chinese coiffure, but others have been won over by the modern bob. We have each solved the problem in a different way. ✤ dress one's hair 梳理头发 把头发打理成漂漂亮亮的发型,戴上好看的配饰,这些动作都可以用dress这个动词哦。 ✤ sleek:(头发)油亮光滑的,有光泽的
✤ remain loyal to 忠于 可以看出这位小姐姐使用的英文表达非常丰富,对于“有人喜欢传统发型,有人喜欢当代发型”这种简单的意思,她能用各种地道表达让句子丰富多样起来。雅思口语8分没跑了。 She says, I prefer to keep my hair long, and dress it in a truly Chinese way, with a flower at the side. The earrings and buttons of her coat match, and are richly jeweled. ✤ jewel ['dʒuəl] vt. 以宝石装饰;镶以宝石 为翻译出“镶了很多宝石”的意思,小姐姐用了一个很高级的表达,be richly jeweled。 英文中很多名词都可以灵活用作动词。这一用法使句子更加形象生动。 类似的词还有: Don't baby your child. The escaped prisoner was cornered at last. He is vacationing in the countryside. ✤ at the side 在一边 I find the softly curled bob more becoming to me. The long pearl and jade earrings lend an oriental touch to the latest style of hair dress. ✤ becoming to someone 适合、配衬某人 That long skirt is very becoming to her. ✤ lend an oriental touch to 这也是一个非常好的表达。这里的touch做名词用,有手法、风格、技巧之意。如: The room was decorated with a very artistic touch. lend to在这句中可以理解为给某物增添或渲染上某种气氛。 例句: A fire lends warmth to the room. 九十多年前这几位小姐姐的气质和口才,有没有惊艳到你? |