不久前,微博话题“被姓毁掉的名字”上了热搜。 “子腾”“初墨”这样的名字,配上“杜”和“熊”这样的姓氏,画风就变了。 网友们甚至创造了“……多么好听的名字,可惜姓……”这样的句式,随便代入下面的哪一组姓名都有原地裂开的效果。
这么看来,取名字的父母们还得非常小心自家小孩的名字会不会跟滑稽的词语谐音。 拥有这些名字的小孩成长起来自然也不容易。 在许多文化里,姓+名,亦或是名+姓都是标配。滑稽的效果通常藏在姓名的犄角旮旯里。 别叫我啦,我真的“去睡觉”了
Gotobed You are not going to meet many people with the surname "Go-to-bed". The first recorded person to have this surname was John Gotobed of Cambridge in 1269. Professor Reaney, an authority on English surnames, explains the surname originated from people who had a bed, which was rare back in the 12 century. People proudly boasted about the fact they could afford to have a bed by adding it to their name. Strange but true!
Onions This surname, which was first popular in France and Ireland before coming over to the UK, dates back to 1279 and identified the person's job. They were either a seller or a grower of the vegetable.
Nutter means a crazy or silly person in colloquial English. You wouldn't usually call yourself a nutter, but it's genuinely a surname that originates from Yorkshire and Lancashire. It's a variation of the old English surnames "Notere" which means clerk and "Nothard", which means a person that keeps oxes.
Smellie Although "Smellie" sounds a lot like "smelly", it has nothing to do with body odor. Smellie is of Scottish descent and was a word to describe a cheerful person. Only 400 people in the UK still have this surname today.
Hardmeat You might have guessed that "Hardmeat" must have something to do with a family of butchers. In fact, it might just have been a misspelling of the village that the name came from, which was "Hardmead" in England. Wish they had spellchecker back then!
Friendless Friendless Baxter was born in 1871 in Leeds. Presumably his parents thought he would be a bit of an introvert.
Faith Hope Charity Faith Hope Charity Brown was born in 1892 in Kent. No pressure for her to become a good person then?
Leicester Railway Leicester Railway Cope was born in a train carriage at Leicester Railway Station in 1863.
One Too Many One Too Many Gouldstone was born in Walthamstow, London, in 1870. Maybe he was the last of 13 children?
Windsor Castle Windsor Castle was born in Nottingham in 1876. Her father was a bricklayer and had no relation to royalty.
Zebra Lynes Zebra Lynes was born in Southampton in 1875. There is no record of her born in a zoo.
Mineral Waters Mineral Waters was born in 1892 in Rochford, Essex. Yet another child whose name was little more than a poor joke suitable for a Christmas cracker.
她叫“南极洲” 她叫“芝加哥”
歌手玛利亚·凯莉 (Mariah Carey) 给自己的女儿取名叫梦露(Monroe)倒也没啥,但金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 和坎耶·韦斯特 (Kanye West) 把女儿叫做芝加哥 (Chicago) 就难免令人些许迷惑。当然人家也有理由——Kanye在芝加哥长大。 因此网友也开了脑洞:鉴于Kanye在中国南京也度过了一段童年,可能有个小孩会需要叫做Nanjing。 开脑洞的名字还有很多。歌手Ed Sheeran的女儿叫Antarctica(南极洲),美国WWE女摔角选手Brie Bella的儿子叫Dessert(甜点)。 但近年来最不寻常的可能还是要属特斯拉创始人马斯克(Elon Musk)的儿子的名字 “X Æ A-12”,怎么读?什么意思?夫妇俩也没有解释。 因为加州地方管理部门不允许这样的名字作登记,为了“上户口”,他们钻了个空子——把这个名字塞到了中间名(middle name)的位置。 |