近日,拼多多一名22岁女性员工,在凌晨1点半下班途中猝死,事件在网上引发关注。 1月4日下午,拼多多方面确认,12月29日凌晨拼多多员工张某霏在步行回家路上晕厥倒地,最后不幸离世。 A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is an employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital. 12月29日凌晨1时30分,电商拼多多员工、22岁的张女士下班回家时陷入昏迷,随后在医院离世。 在舆论不断发酵之际,知乎上一个认证为拼多多官方的账号在“如何看待网传拼多多员工加班后猝死一事”的问题下面的回答令网友哗然。 ![22岁员工猝死,拼多多遭知乎“打脸”后道歉!](/uploads/yuedu/2022/02/25/0722494950.jpg)
有网传图片显示,疑似为拼多多的官方账号评论称: 你们看看底层的人民,哪一个不是用命换钱,我一直不认为是资本的问题,而是这个社会的问题,这是一个用命拼的时代,你可以选择安逸的日子,但你就要选择安逸带来的后果。 As the incident went viral, on Monday an account registered as the company posted a comment on zhihu.com saying, "Everybody is trading life for money; You can choose to stay comfortable but you must bear the result." 随着该事件不断发酵,1月4日一个注册为拼多多的知乎账户发表评论称:“哪个人不是用命换钱;你可以选择安逸的日子,但你就要选择安逸带来的后果。”
The comment was deleted within 30 seconds, but a snapshot of it has gone viral, triggering fierce discussions online. 这条评论在30秒内被删除,但一张截图在网上疯传,引发了激烈的讨论。
随后,拼多多发表致歉声明,承认了拼多多官方账号曾发布此内容,但系拼多多营销合作供应商员工用个人手机发布,该言论不代表任何拼多多官方态度,拼多多官方对该言论表示强烈反对。事件系拼多多对官方账号管控不严导致,向公众表示真诚歉意。 Pinduoduo apologized saying it was not their view, but that of an individual who acted irresponsibly, even promising action against whoever was responsible. 拼多多道歉称,该言论为不负责任的个人观点,并非拼多多的态度,甚至承诺对责任人采取行动。
Shanghai labor security department started an investigation on Pinduoduo’s employment conditions on Monday, according to the Beijing Youth Daily. 据《北京青年报》报道,上海市劳动保障监察部门4日开始对拼多多的劳动用工情况进行调查。
劳动是大部分人的常态,劳动也是大部分人改善生活的主要手段。崇尚奋斗是不变的主旋律,提倡奋斗也是一种积极的价值观。但是,奋斗和劳动如果被异化成“拿命换钱”,那就变味儿了。 We live in an age when everyone is struggling for a better life, mostly by laboring. It is positive and healthy for society to praise the struggling spirit, because that is how wealth is created and society moves forward. However, the struggling spirit should never be interpreted as “trading life for money”. 我们生活在一个人人都在为更好的生活而奋斗的时代,劳动是改善生活的主要手段。提倡奋斗是积极和健康的价值观,因为这是创造财富和社会前进的方式。但是,这种奋斗精神决不能被理解为“用生命换取金钱”。
We struggle for better lives of the people, ourselves included; the people are the ends, not means, of that struggle. If life is being traded for money, then the wealth created and accumulated this way is of no use. The phrase “trading life for money” is rather weird because life can never be traded for money. 我们为人民的美好生活而奋斗;人是奋斗的目的,而不是手段。如果用生命换取金钱,那么用这种方式创造和积累的财富是毫无意义的。“用生命换取金钱”这句话相当离谱,因为生命永远不能用金钱来换取。 从劳动者个人角度,当努力学习知识,保护自己的合法权益;从企业角度,应当尊重自己的职工、自觉遵守劳动法律法规;从国家角度,则应当公平立法并严格执法,让劳动者创造财富的同时,也能更好享受到财富和社会进步带来的便利。
It is important for the laborers to know their rights and never compromise. Enterprises must honor the law and respect their employees’ rights. For society, it is necessary to legislate more good laws and strictly enforce them, so that laborers get better protection. Laborers create wealth, and they should enjoy the wealth they create. 劳动者要了解自己的权利,决不妥协。企业必须遵守法律,尊重员工的权利。对于社会来说,有必要制定更多的法律并严格执行,使劳动者得到更好的保护。劳动者该享受自己创造的财富。 |