改了!中国白酒英文名“Chinese Baijiu”,网友:四六级翻译会写了
1月11日,经与海关总署税收征管局(京津)多次沟通,中国酒业协会于2020年4月25日正式向海关总署提出申请,建议将海关商品名录中中国白酒的英文名字由原来的“Chinese distilled spirits”更改为“Chinese Baijiu”。 Accounting for one-third of the world's total consumption of distilled spirits, China's famous distilled spirit will officially be called "Chinese Baijiu" in English; it has been mentioned as such in Chinese official documents since January 1. 在1月1日正式执行的2021年《中华人民共和国进出口税则》,已经对白酒的英文名称进行了修改。 中国白酒与白兰地、威士忌、伏特加、朗姆酒和金酒一起并称为世界六大蒸馏酒。 Chinese distilled spirit, a clear liquor made from sorghum and other grains, is one of the six major distilled spirits in the world, in addition to Brandy, Whisky, Vodka, Rum and Gin. 中国白酒消费量约占世界蒸馏酒的三分之一。但多年来,中国白酒缺乏一个官方的准确的英文名称,比如Chinese spirits(中国白酒), Chinese distilled spirits(中国蒸馏酒), Chinese liquor(中国烈酒)等都称为“中国白酒”。 Although its consumption accounts for one-third of the total consumption of distilled spirits around the world due to China's huge consumer base, it did not have an official English name, and was called a variety of names including Chinese spirits, Chinese distilled spirits and Chinese liquor. 2019年开始,中国白酒的系列国家标准进行修订《白酒工业术语》(Terminology of baijiu industry),并对白酒的英文名称进行了修订:白酒,英文名字:Baijiu。同时在国际期刊、会议和文献上,经学术界的努力和宣传,白酒(Chinese Baijiu)在逐渐被国内外行业专家及消费者所认知。 中酒协相关负责人表示,近年来协会组织白酒企业参加的各种食品饮料展会上也都统一使用“Chinese Baijiu”,相信随着时间的推移,“Chinese Baijiu”的知名度将越来越高。此次更改对于准确描述中国白酒这一民族产品,规范白酒出口名称,扩大中国白酒的国际影响力都具有积极的作用。 An industry insider from the China Alcoholic Drinks Association thinks that the revised English name will play a positive role in accurately describing Chinese Baijiu as a national product, standardizing the export name of the liquor and expanding the international influence of the Chinese liquor, Sichuan Daily reported. 还有网友点赞“这事挺好,要为我国海关点个赞。” 一位网友评论道,“作为世界六大蒸馏酒的龙头,应该有个规范的英文名,为从中国范走向世界范,打个好底子。中国白酒独特味道及其文化,也应该向国外进发。” 值得一提的是,微博话题#中国白酒英文名改了#14日登上了热搜榜,“四六级考生”变身喜大普奔的群体,不少网友直呼“太好了!英语六级不怕了!”。 网友纷纷表示这个英文名好读又好写,四六级翻译不用背了。 除了白酒,其他种类的酒用英文怎么说呢?一起来看《公共服务领域英文译写规范》给出的翻译吧: 米酒 Rice Wine |