“我被困在了这里,像蹲监狱一样”,首批撤离武汉的英国人马特·劳(Matt Raw)在柴郡郊区一座小房子里如是说。劳回到英国遭受了网络暴力,加上英国疫情严重,一家人去年只出过一次门。 2020年1月31日,第一架英国撤侨专机起飞,带着83名英国人“逃离武汉”。劳一家就在乘客之列。 一年后,英国广播公司(BBC)采访首批撤离武汉的英国人马特·劳,他感慨道,“要是没上那架飞机就好了,留在中国,会更安全、更自由”。 “真希望没赶上那趟飞机,留在武汉” 劳回忆称,刚收到通知时,他原本因为不愿和妻子分离决定留下。 Mr Raw said he even left his tools by the front door because he was going to help build hospitals in Wuhan the next day. 后来在起飞前凌晨4点,他看到英方最新消息允许携带家人同行。劳匆忙带着家人赶往机场。 但现在,亲眼看到中英两国抗疫成果的巨大差异,他说,“要是没上那架飞机就好了,英国政府骗了我们,我们在中国其实更安全”。 "They lied to us. We're being told to get out of Wuhan, 'come back to England, you'll be safe here'. "We would have been safer and much more freer if we stayed in China. "They tackled it short and sharp and locked down the cities and it was the right thing to do." 回到英国后,马特和家人住进了纳茨福德(英国柴郡的一个小镇)的新居。但马特称,他立即就遇到了一个问题——网络暴力。 有网民认为,是第一架撤侨包机将新冠病毒带到英国。马特表示,直到今天,还有人在网上指责他。 “真的有人这么想,我很心痛。我们能做的都做了,去年我们只出了一次门。”马特称。 马特表示,他仍然在后悔做出登机的决定。 "In Wuhan, it would have been uncomfortable in our small apartment for two or three months, but then they got rid of the virus and life has returned to normal. "I wish I'd stayed in bed and gone to help build that hospital. "… We're trapped here. It's still our prison.” A sign pointing to a testing center is seen, as tighter rules for international travellers start, at Heathrow Airport, amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, London, Jan 18, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] 伦敦市民段丽萍(音译)与劳坐同一架飞机回英,回忆起乘机当天的恐怖气氛,她说“那趟航班让人神经紧绷。” "Two English guys couldn't get on the plane, because they had a high temperature. "It was so quiet [on board]; you might hear a baby crying, but none of the adults were talking. "I was trying to stay away from other people and wore my mask the whole time. "I couldn't breathe properly and it was exhausting." 落地后,据段丽萍称,机场没有人佩戴防护设备,这让她不禁对航班本身的安全感到担忧。 "I told them, 'stand back, we've come from Wuhan', but nobody cared," she says. 按照安排,所有乘客要被运往指定地点隔离两周,但段丽萍震惊地发现,长途客车司机竟然没有戴口罩…… Ms Duan says she was shocked to see that the coach driver was not even wearing a mask. 一年前,武汉按下停止键,超过1000万武汉人民坚持76天居家防疫,有效延缓了疫情的扩散。如今,英国新冠肺炎死亡人数超过10万,成为欧洲疫情最严重的国家之一。 自己的国家“深陷泥潭”,但BBC依然推出了一系列“重返武汉”的视频报道,其中一些不乏“阴阳怪气”的旁白与编排。 武汉抗疫先是被“污名化”,后来又被一些外媒认为是中国政府“政治宣传”的“窗口”,没有在国际上得到应有的感激与尊重。 但这改变不了人民的真实感受,大众的声音和现实一次次发出警告,当前最大的敌人不是中国而是新冠。 |