过完年,不少人又长了一岁。连春联里都写:“天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门”。岁月可能是渐渐流逝的,但人却不一定是慢慢长大的。人通常是在某个瞬间意识到自己与年少时不同了。回望才发现,原来自己变了这么多。 社交媒体Reddit上有网友感慨了一句: You officially become an adult when you realize that the smallest size at an ice cream shop is more than enough. 类似的可能还有,小时候恨不得能天天吃汉堡炸鸡,现在工资/零花钱能买全家桶却不再馋了。 So I ask for the smallest or kids’ size. I have to convince them that I really only want one scoop. Yes, just one. Ok, you can stop now. I understand it’s the same price. But I really like the cone and would rather not have to throw out a bunch of ice cream to get to the cone. 围绕吃喝,Reddit网友发现,年龄增长会伴随着饮料喜好的变化——牛奶、苏打水、咖啡、酒类都不想喝了,你只想喝水。 When you discover that the best adult drink is no longer just milk; It is no longer soda; You are no longer at the age where it is coffee; And then you are past the age where it is no longer alcohol; Here, you are now old enough to understand that water is the best and most ideal adult drink there is. And I was telling my friends that you know you’ve aged when you order a hot drink with your fast food meal! 就餐时喝热饮对中国人来说不是稀罕事,热奶茶不说,广东人吃早茶不也得佐热茶吗。这种饮料里的年岁增长应该体现在保温杯里泡枸杞(goji)。 成年人的饮食喜好变换还被网友附着了一层成年人的苦恼——节食减肥以示活得很好。 You become an adult when you forego buying ice cream to buy leafy greens to make a salad, because you want to go back to wearing size 30 jeans to prove to your ex (because he/she was a fool, dumping you for someone else) that you still got it. 至此,不难看出,一个冰淇淋串联起了成年人的体重、恋爱、收入和烦恼。 长大后才明白的道理实在是太多。列举几个常见的: ▌Work, sleep, eat, repeat. ▌The inevitable break up. ▌Having the courage to apologize. ▌Not all friendships last forever, and that's okay. ▌Most adults are clueless and are figuring out life just like everybody else. ▌It feels like things move so slow and life will be endless when you were a kid. But life speeds by horribly fast now.
Life is EXPENSIVE. As soon as I started working full time and having to pay monthly bills (rent, groceries, insurance, etc.), let me tell you - my restaurant eating much came to a 100% stop. Life is pricey... You have very little freedom in your life if you choose to go down the conventional route. For example, you get a job, you think you need a promotion. You get a house, you think you need to get a bigger house. You have kids, you decide those kids should be doing expensive sports or going to private school. And suddenly all your money is gone, you have no spare time, and you feel like the more stuff you own, the more it starts to own you. —— doobeedoo3 最近穿越题材电影《你好,李焕英》被贾玲拍得让不少人泪目。如果能穿越,或者写一封给过去自己的信,人们会想说什么? 北京邮电大学的学生何世杰(@老师好我叫何同学)在视频里对3年前的自己说: “2017年对你来说将是很重要的一年,要加油呀!哦对了,最重要的,你那年的理综答案是:BDCCD, BABDB ......” |