“你有Clubhouse邀请码吗?”这句话成为最近大众的又一流行密语。2月1日,硅谷“钢铁侠”马斯克在Clubhouse创建了聊天室,只要有邀请码,好像就能进入互联网大佬圈,甚至一个邀请码在eBay上被炒到100美元。天价背后,透露的是大众不想漏掉任何最新消息的心态,即FOMO(fear of missing out)。 FOMO是什么? Fear of missing out or FOMO is "a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent". This social angst is characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing". FOMO is also defined as a fear of regret, which may lead to a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying events.
FOMO会让你更幸福吗? The answer is definitely: NO. Researchers have found that FOMO leads us to check social media more frequently, leading to a negative cycle that can be hard to break. FOMO can lead to feelings of depression, loneliness, and boredom. Your mood will be easily influenced by others and your life starts to be controlled by the outside world. 我们每天花费大量的时间和注意力,去消费大量的信息,并经常让FOMO引导我们将自己的生活与社交媒体上其他人的生活进行比较。这种比较常常让我们感到不满意。因为我们往往在社交媒体上看到的都是别人分享的高光时刻,而自己的生活却是一地鸡毛。 如何减少FOMO的心理特征? 看到这里,是否觉得该关闭朋友圈功能甚至扔掉手机以避免频繁刷社交媒体带来的负面影响呢?倒也不必。要想破除“错失恐惧”造成的迷局,最关键还是在现实生活中找到足够的社会支持以满足自己的归属需求。可以从以下三个方面入手: Change your focus Rather than focusing on what you lack, try noticing what you have. You can change your feed that triggers your FOMO. "Meritocracy society" is advocated today, but in fact, everyone owns their own success. Try to reduce our screen time, focus on building your own path to success and do what you like. Live in the moment, you will find nothing is missing out in our life! Keep a journal It is common to post on social media to keep a record of the fun things you do. However, you may find yourself noticing a little too much about whether people are validating your experiences online. If this is the case, you may try to keep a personal journal of your best memories, either online or on paper. Keeping a journal can help you to shift your focus from public approval to private appreciation of the things that make your life great. This shift can sometimes help you to get out of the cycle of FOMO. Seek out real connections You may find yourself seeking a greater connection when you are feeling depressed or anxious, and this is healthy. Feelings of loneliness or exclusion are actually our brain's way of telling us that we want to seek out greater connections with others and increase our sense of belonging. Rather than trying to connect more with people on social media, why not arrange to meet up with someone in person? Talking with families, making plans with a good friend, or creating a group outing that can help you to shake that feeling that you are missing out. “害怕错过”,会让我们错过了自己真正的生活。春节期间,不妨让我们放下手机,多把时间留给线下生活,留给家人朋友,忘掉FOMO,体验一把JOMO(Joy of missing out)的快乐吧! |