My boss was shadowing me at the register on my first day, and things were going okay but I was pretty nervous with her watching over my shoulder . 在我入职上班的第一天,老板一直跟在我背后监视,虽然一切进展顺利,但是老板的目光越过我的肩膀,让我如芒刺在背,非常紧张。 Midway through my shift a customer comes up and recognises me from my previous job. 中途有一位顾客走过来,称她认识我,我在上一份工作中曾与她打过交道。 I can’t remember her for the life of me, so I have no idea if our previous interaction( s) had been good, bad, or other. 我却对她毫无印象,不知道之前我俩见面时,两人关系是好是坏,还是其他什么状况。 Lucky me, though, because she launches into a whole speech about how amazing I am! 还好,我非常幸运,她开始长篇大论的夸赞我如何服务周到,令人赞叹。 Right in front of my boss! 我的老板就在后面听着! I wanted to reach across the counter and hug her, she completely made my day and gave my new boss an incredible first impression of me. 我真想走到柜台另一边给她一个拥抱!她给我的这一天增添了光辉,让我的新老板对我产生了极佳的第一印象。 |