中国开启“双循环”发展模式 代表委员呼吁加快创新升级
按照“十四五”规划建议,我国在未来5到15年将采取“双循环”发展格局,人大代表和政协委员呼吁政府采取措施支持技术创新和产业升级,以保证循环通畅。 China is pushing a "dual circulation" development pattern to sustain growth in the coming years, building up strength in both domestic demand and foreign trade to meet challenges in a new development stage. 为了迎接新发展阶段的挑战,中国将推动“双循环”发展模式,从而在未来数年保持经济增长,积蓄内需和外贸的实力。 The "dual circulation" development paradigm, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay, was mentioned as a guiding thought in a blueprint for China's development in the next five to 15 years, which is under review at the "two sessions." 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。 "We will advance the building of a strong domestic market and a strong trading nation in a concerted way, based on the domestic circulation," said the draft outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year 2035. 国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划(2021-2025)和二〇三五年远景目标纲要草案提出,立足国内大循环,协同推进强大国内市场和贸易强国建设。 DOMESTIC LOOP 内循环
The domestic circulation will be key to the new development pattern, with detailed measures to be rolled out to expand domestic consumption and smoothen supply chains. 国内大循环对新发展模式至关重要,政府将推出具体措施来扩大内需、保持供应链顺畅。
The country will remove impediments to the rational flow of production factors, and create a higher-level dynamic equilibrium where supply and demand boost each other, according to the draft outline. 根据纲要草案,国家将打通制约生产要素合理流动的堵点,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。
The draft plan also called for efforts to expand the middle-income group in order to unleash the consumption potential. 草案还指出,应努力扩大中等收入群体规模,以释放消费潜力。
With its per capita GDP above 10,000 US dollars and a middle-income group exceeding 400 million, China is already an upper middle-income economy by the World Bank standard. 中国目前人均GDP超过1万美元(约合人民币6.5万元),中等收入群体超过4亿人,根据世界银行的标准已达到中等偏上收入国家水平。
The number is likely to double by 2035 amid government efforts to push urbanization, making China the biggest consumption market in the world, said Li Daokui, an economist with Tsinghua University and a national political adviser. 全国政协委员、清华大学的经济学家李稻葵表示,随着政府推进城市化,中等收入群体在2035年将扩大一倍,中国将成为全世界最大的消费市场。
A smooth domestic economic cycle also requires advancement on the supply side, lawmakers and political advisers said, calling for more policy measures to boost innovation. 人大代表和政协委员指出,国内经济循环畅通有赖于供给质量的提高,呼吁推出更多促进创新的政策措施。
The country should move faster to support the upgrade of companies so that they can tackle the bottlenecks constraining their growth, said Liu Yonghao, chairman of China's agricultural conglomerate New Hope Group and a national political adviser. 全国政协委员、农业巨头新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,国家应加快支持企业升级以应对制约其发展的瓶颈。
The domestic farming industry, for example, still depends on overseas imports in terms of breeding animals including pigs and poultry, and research on new breeding varieties could reduce external reliance and boost profitability, Liu said. 刘永好指出,以国内农业为例,目前猪、禽等养殖产业仍依赖于进口,研究养殖新品种将能减少对外国的依赖并增加利润。
The draft outline has identified self-reliance in science and technology as a strategic underpinning for national development. For the next five years, China's research and development spending will grow by over 7 percent annually, it said. 草案把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑,并提出未来五年中国研发经费投入年均增长7%以上。
2021年2月23日,山东省青岛市即墨区蓝村街道一家企业的工人在生产出口海外的飞机救生衣包。(图片来源:新华网) OPEN CYCLE 开放的双循环
While the domestic market is key to the new development paradigm, "dual circulation" is by no means a closed domestic loop. 尽管国内市场对新发展格局很关键,但“双循环”绝对不是封闭的国内循环。
China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand, imports and exports, as well as foreign and outbound investment, the draft outline said, stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up. 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。
Ning Jizhe, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment, implementing policies including cutting the number of sectors off-limits for foreign investors and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。 For Li Dongsheng, chairman of Chinese electronics giant TCL Group and a national lawmaker, the "dual circulation" is not only a development strategy at the national level, but also reflects the development needs of Chinese enterprises amid rising anti-globalization sentiment. 对于全国人大代表、中国电子巨头TCL集团创始人李东生而言,“双循环”不只是国家层面的发展战略,还反映出逆全球化思潮愈演愈烈的形势下中国企业的发展需求。 While proposing that China should step up policy support for tech innovation to smoothen the domestic cycle, Li also suggested the government mobilize resources to facilitate the global operation and layout of firms. 李东生提出,中国应加大对技术创新的政策支持以保证内循环畅通,还建议政府充分调动资源以便利企业的全球化运营和布局。 |