近日,墨西哥推出了一款只遮住鼻子的新型鼻罩,研究人员称,这种鼻罩是为了降低人们在吃饭时感染新冠病毒的风险。然而世界卫生组织在佩戴口罩的建议中则表示,要预防感染新冠病毒,需要遮盖鼻子、嘴和下巴。 墨西哥研究员发明鼻罩预防新冠 Researchers in Mexico have sniffed out a new COVID-19 mask designed for people to wear only over their noses while they eat. The nose masks — worn under a full mask with similar behind-the-ears straps — were unveiled in a demonstration video where a man and woman sit down for lunch, according to Reuters. In the video, the pair takes off their normal masks to reveal their nose-only gear before chowing down at an outdoor table. 网友:这是掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人! 有网友在推特上为鼻罩叫好,称其将“减少新冠传播”,但更多的网友则对这一发明嗤之以鼻 如果我们将把口罩切成两半的人称为“研究人员”,那么我们现在对科学的要求真的很低了。 这不是什么新发明,小丑们已经戴了很多年了 Human cells that give people a sense of smell are a key entry point for coronavirus, making nose coverings important, according to Johns Hopkins University. But the World Health Organization recommends that people wear masks covering their nose, mouth and chin to best protect from the virus. And Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studies have shown that more mask material is generally better than less. Last month, a CDC study showed that double-masking can significantly decrease the spread of the coronavirus. The report didn’t note the name of the Mexican researchers, their company or when the nose masks could become available to the public. |