无论身在何方,思念和怀旧是一种普世情怀,世界上只要有华人的地方,每逢清明节人们就会按照传统习俗,在当地眺望故里,遥寄追念。 【清明故事】 Qing Ming or Thanksgiving? Qingming is popularly associated with Jie Zidui in the Spring and Autumn Period, who saved his starving lord's life by serving meat cut from his own leg. The lord, known as Jinwengong, was later able to take power and decided to reward Jie but he declined. Jinwengong tried to force Jie out of a forest by fire but instead burned him to death and felt deep regret. He ordered all his people to ban the use of fire and eat cold food that day to mark Jie's death. It is the origin of the Cold Food Festival, which starts one or 2 days before Qing Ming and later merges with Qingming. Qingming Festival then became an important holiday from an originally simple farming day. 春秋时期,介子堆曾割下自己腿上的肉让逃亡的晋国公子重耳充饥。重耳执政后要封赏他,但介子堆隐居山林拒绝封赏。无奈,晋文公重耳放火烧山想逼他出山,不料却烧死了恩人。自此,晋文公下令每年的这一天禁止生火,只吃冷食,这就是寒食节的来历。因寒食节恰好在清明前一两天,久而久之,寒食的习俗逐渐被移到清明中,清明便从单纯的农业节气变为重要节日"清明节"了。 【各国如何纪念逝者】 Orchid Basin Festival Falling on July 15th according to the lunar calendar, Orchid Basin Festival is one of the big events in Japan all people observe. Japan usually gives people 3 days off to go back to their hometowns to pay respect to their ancestors. It is said that the ancestors' spirits will return home, and so each household put fire basins outside at the gate and hang lanterns for the spirits to find their way back. Diwali-Festival of Lights Diwali or Deepavali, the festival of "rows of lights", is one of the most important of all Hindu festivals. People place candles on the stairs, hallway and balcony at home when night falls that day to pay respect to the deceased and pray for the family. Lighting lamps and candles during the festival is also considered auspicious by bringing light, knowledge and eternal life from darkness, ignorance and death. All Soul's Day All Soul's Day, also called the "Day of the Dead" usually occurs on November 2, when families fondly remember the deceased by praying before an altar. It's also a time marked by festivities, including parades of skeletons. In one notable tradition, revelers lead a mock funeral procession with a live person inside a coffin. Day of the dead Poland and most of the Catholic world have celebrated the festival on Nov 1 for many centuries. Also known as All Saints Day, it's a national holiday when people all over Poland visit the graves of loved ones and to place candles and flowers at tombstones. The candles, which can burn for hours, are placed to help the departed souls find the way home. Memorial Day in US Memorial Day is a US national holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It commemorates those who died while in military service to their country. Soldiers in service and veterans go to cemeteries to pay respect to their dead peers by firing guns and blowing trumpets. First enacted to honor American soldiers and casualties in the civil war, the two World Wars and other military actions, it later evolved as a popular civil festival for each family to commemorate the passing of their loved ones. 【盘点:揭秘世界各地10种下葬方式】
8.sand burial - corpse buried under the sand could be well preserved
【《清明》英译】 历代很多文人都曾将清明节作为诗词歌赋的对象,最熟知的要数唐代诗人杜牧的《清明》了。最后就跟大家一起欣赏这首诗的英译版本。 《清明》 (唐)杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷, 路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有? 牧童遥指杏花村。
许渊冲英译 A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours? A cowherd points to a cot 'mid apricot flowers. |