如今,不少人为了追求健康都选择喝无糖饮料。元气森林凭借“0糖、0脂肪、0卡路里”的宣传卖点迅速抢占市场,成为了国内的网红饮料品牌。 而近日,元气森林的一则致歉声明却登上了热搜。 China beverage brand Genki Forest apologized Saturday for deceptively advertising its products as having no sugar. 声明中称在乳茶产品的产品标示和宣传中,没有说明“0蔗糖”与“0糖”的区别,容易引发误解。 元气森林同时提醒:乳茶有奶所以是有糖的。 In an apology statement, the fast-growing company said that the difference between "sugar-free" and "sucrose-free" was not well explained in the product promotion and packaging, leading to a "misunderstanding". Genki Forest promised to replace the packaging claim of “sucrose-free” with “low sugar” on some of its milk tea produced since Feb 4 and all milk tea produced since Mar 18. 网友:骗我花钱,又骗我长胖? “0蔗糖”不等于“0糖”。如果不是元气森林关于乳茶的“提醒”,相信大多数消费者至今都难以区分这两者概念。 北青报记者从之前市场上销售的元气森林乳茶产品的包装标签上看到,其产品其实包含“三种糖”——乳糖、结晶果糖和天然代糖。也正是因为含有这三种糖,使得之前一直以“0蔗糖”作为卖点的元气森林乳茶受到了质疑。 但是元气森林的“提醒式道歉”,很多网友都不接受,毕竟之前购买元气森林相关产品就是以为“0糖”,还有不少网友表示:“道歉有用吗?我的肥肉不接受道歉!” 专家:0卡0糖不完全健康 然而,在追求口感和保持身材之间保持平衡,无糖饮品真的是完美支点吗?它们又真的健康吗? 据北京协和医院临床营养科主任医师陈伟介绍,零卡零糖的味道大多数来自于商业的甜味剂。甜味剂本身是安全的,可以分为带热卡的甜味剂和不带热卡的甜味剂,它能够产生更多的甜味,甚至比蔗糖要甜200-300倍。 Artificially-sweetened beverages (ASBs) are alternatives to full-sugared drinks. They contain no sugar and are sweetened with artificial sweeteners instead. ASBs are often known as 'diet' versions of soft drinks, and may be perceived by consumers as the healthier option for those who want to lose weight or reduce their sugar intake. Despite having no or very little energy content, there is a concern that ASBs might trigger compensatory food intake by stimulating sweet taste receptors. This, together with the consumers’ awareness of the low-calorie content of ASBs, may result in overconsumption of other foods, thus contributing to obesity, type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related health problems. Notes cane sugar 蔗糖 |