Many so-called life coaches will tell you that: if a man loves a woman, he should spend as much money as possible on her without hesitation . Sadly, too many women believe in this. And that's why their lives have been so miserable. Why? Because it ignored an essential question: Where does money come from? At any given time, the total amount of money in this world is finite. If you use some money here, you can't use them there. If you use these money to do this, you can't use them to do that. So, any money should be spent economically, no matter whether it's a man's money or a woman's money. If you don't do it, these money will eventually go through the net of businesses to someone who knows how to do it. Yes, doing business is a form of being economical. It's spending your current resources in a smart way to bring you more resources. When you spend money like they mean nothing to you, you're not actually paying for a better life for yourself. You are just feeding your money to someone smarter than you. It's totally easy to spend moeny. Everybody can do that. It's not something you can show off. And there is nothing in it to be proud of. On the other hand, saving money is a rare skill. Few people know how to do it. And that's why there have always been only an extremely limited amount of successful people in this world. |