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科学表明 说谎不易


Science Shows Lying Is Hard Work

说真话 科学表明 说谎不易

A convicted sex offender, released on parole, submits to a polygraph test.


"Have you ever told even one lie?" asks the examiner. "No," says the man - and the needles on the polygraph machine barely shift from their rhythmic movements.


You can guess, of course, whether the man was answering truthfully - but today's polygraphs cannot. All they record are pulse, respiration, skin temperature, and other signs that may suggest whether someone seems nervous when asked a damning question.


Machines can be fooled, but it may not always be that way.


"I suspect that it may be much harder to manipulate brain blood flow," says Dr. Daniel Langleben, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School.

宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的精神病学副教授Daniel Langleben博士说:“我想控制脑血流是非常难的。”

Langleben and his colleagues have been experimenting with computerized brain scans - functional magnetic resonance imaging. This giant machine can show the amount of blood flow to different sections of the brain in precise detail.


They wanted to see what changes could be measured inside the brain when people are deceitful. They asked people to lie inside the scanner and lie through their teeth .when answers from many test subjects were combined and averaged by a computer, they clearly showed that when people lie, they use more sections of the brain than when they tell the truth.


"The question it raised for me is whether, in order to tell a lie, you need to inhibit something, and whether that something is the truth," he says. In other words, people may naturally be truth tellers. The brain works harder to lie."

“它提出的问题是,是否为了说谎,你必需抑制某些东西,是否这东西就是真实,” 他说。“换言之,人的本性是要说真话的,说谎对大脑并非易事。”

Langleben was never out to make a better lie detector, but his research, along with others', could someday lead to one.



