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Clone  baby  for infertile couples


WASHINGTON   If the U.S. government bans human cloning, a scientist said his organization intends to find a country where it is legal and then create cloned babies for infertile couples   Panayiotis Michael Zavos, a Kentucky reproduction researcher and a vocal advocate for human cloning, said Friday that his organization has been contacted by more than 3,000 infertile couples who are eager to become parents.

华盛顿  美国一位科学家说,如果美国政府禁止人类克隆,他的组织打算去找一个允许克隆人合法化的国家,在该国为患不育症的夫妻造出克隆的婴儿。说这话的帕纳椰提斯米切尔扎瓦斯是肯塔基州的一名生殖研究员,也是人类克隆的鼓吹者,周五,他说,已有3000多对渴望成为父母的不育夫妇与他的组织接触。

"People want to have a biological child of their own," Zavos said at a meeting of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Proposed federal legislation that would ban all forms of human cloning would cripple research in America and force researchers to find countries where such studies are legal, Zavos said.


"We don't say we need America," Zavos said. "The world is wide open to all of us." He said cloning is not illegal in 170 countries and his organization intends "to do it in a legal country where there are conditions that permit it."


Zavos would not say where his organization is doing its research. He said that so far the experiments have involved only animals, but the group is moving steadily toward an eventual attempt to clone humans. The remarks from Zavos came during a debate with Dr. Paul R.Billings, a University of California professor and an expert on clinical genetics, who bluntly rejected any plans to clone humans. Doctors who attempt to clone human beings, Billings said, "should be treated as what they are criminals."


Billings said that experience with cloning of animals shows that cloning is "unsafe and risky" because many of the young are born with deformities or die shortly before or after birth. He said that even Dolly, the famous sheep that was the first mammal to be cloned, suffered from obesity and brain abnormalities.


"Cloning has not been accomplished in any primate," said Billings. "In species where it has taken place, there were a lot of abnormalities." Zavos said that the problems experienced in animal cloning are "species-specific" and must be evaluated on a scientific level, not on a political or moral basis.

比林斯说,"任何灵长类动物克隆都未曾完成,而在已经克隆的种类中,已出现了许多异常现象。” 扎瓦斯称,动物克隆实验中的问题是"种特异性的",必须在科学水准上评估而不能在政治或道德基础上。

"Animals are animals," he said. "If we want to know what would happen with humans, we need to do it in humans."


Zavos said his organization would not attempt to clone humans "until we are confident we can do it safely." He said his organization has had an animal-cloning success rate of more than 30 percent.

