The diet of preschoolers may influence the risk of breast cancer during adulthood, according to a Boston-based group of investigators.Notepreschooler n. 学龄前儿童 breast cancer 乳癌 adulthood n. 成人期 Dr. Karin B. Michels, of Harvard Medical School, and her associates conducted a study that included 582 breast cancer patients plus a comparison group of 1,569 healthy "controls," who were enrolled in the Nurses' Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study II. Noteplus prep. 加上 comparison n. 比较、对照The researchers used a 30-item food frequency questionnaire to obtain early diet information from the mothers of the nurses when they were 3 to 5 years old. The findings are published in the February issue of the International Journal of Cancer. Notefrequency n. 频率 questionnaire n. 调查表、问卷Women who frequently consumed French fries at preschool age had an increased risk of breast cancer. The increased risk of breast cancer for one additional serving of French fries per week was 27 percent. Consumption of whole milk was linked to a slightly decreased breast cancer risk -- for each additional glass of whole milk per day, the risk decreased by 10 percent. No association was found between nutrient levels and the risk of breast cancer. Noteconsume v. 消耗、消费、大吃大喝 French fries 炸薯条 nutrient adj. 有营养的"For us breast cancer researchers this indicates that we are on the right track to research earlier periods of a woman's life than we previously have done in the search for breast cancer risk factors," Michels told Reuters Health. "It seems that childhood diet may be important and maybe even more important than an adult woman's diet with respect to later life risk of breast cancer." Notewith respect to 关于、至于However, Michels cautioned against over-interpreting the results. "First of all, we would like to see these findings confirmed in other studies," she said. "Secondly, this was a case-control study and the mothers of the nurses knew whether their daughters had developed breast cancer or not, which may or may not have influenced their reporting, but we must not lose sight of this fact." Notelose sight of 忽略、忘记中文: 美国波士顿一个研究小组日前表示,学龄前女童的日常饮食可能会影响到她们成年后增加还是减少患乳腺癌的危险。 据路透社3月27日报道,美国哈佛大学医学院的卡琳-米歇尔斯博士和她的同事进行的这项研究,涉及582名乳腺癌患者和1569名健康女性。研究人员通过一份涉及30项内容的食物调查表,向这些人的母亲了解她们3岁至5岁时的饮食情况。 研究结果显示,那些在学龄前经常吃炸薯片的妇女患乳腺癌的危险较高,每周多吃一份炸薯片会使患乳腺癌的危险增加27%;而幼年时经常饮用全脂牛奶的妇女,则能稍微降低这一危险,即每天多喝一杯全脂牛奶能将这一危险减少10%。 对此,米歇尔斯博士表示:“看来,孩童时期的饮食可能非常重要,它对女性患乳腺癌危险的影响来说,其重要性甚至超过了成年妇女的饮食情况。”研究人员同时也表示,他们希望上述成果能够被其它相关研究加以证实。 |