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Fewer vegetarians than meat-eaters are overweight. That doesn't mean avoiding meat is the key to weight control, though. With or without meat, filling up on fruits and vegetables instead of sweets, high-fat snack foods, high-sugar drinks and alcohol make weight control easier.



One of the major heart-related benefits of vegetarian eating is probably the low level of cholesterol-raising saturated fat in these diets, but this doesn't mean completely omitting meat from the diet is necessary for good health. Foods like fish, skinless poultry and even lean red meats don't add much saturated fat, as long as portions are kept moderate.    素食对心脏保健的主要好处之一,就是这些膳食中含有较低的升胆固醇饱和脂肪,但这不意味着人要保持健康,就必须完全不吃肉。摄入适量鱼、去皮的家禽,甚至精瘦红肉等食物,都不会增加太多的饱和脂肪。Cholesterol-raising trans fat is another issue to consider. A “vegetarian” diet rich in deep-fried or high-fat foods is far from healthful.    升胆固醇转化脂肪也是需要考虑的问题。如果“素食”多为油炸食品或高脂肪食品,那样一点也不利健康。Some studies have linked red meat to a greater risk of colon cancer, but a new report in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition questions such a link. Even if cancer or heart disease is related to processed meats and sausages, high-fat meats and those cooked at high-temperatures (which form carcinogens), that doesn’t necessarily mean all meat, fish and poultry pose a risk.    有研究已发现,食牛羊肉者患结肠癌的危险较大,但是《欧洲临床营养学杂志》的一篇最新报告质疑了这种联系。虽然癌症或心脏病的发生与腌肉、香肠、肥肉和能形成致癌物的高温肉制品有关,但这也不能肯定所有的肉、鱼和家禽都具有危险。AICR claims that vegetarian eating may reduce the risk of some cancers, but emphasizes that any beneficial effects of a vegetarian diet may also be gained from one that limits meat and other animal products, and emphasizes an abundance of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans. The same conclusion probably applies to heart-related and other health benefits of vegetarian eating. It’s not just what you avoid, it’s what you eat that counts.

