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1.When the 5th century BC Greek doctor Hippocrates made a bitter powder from 1)willow tree 2)bark, he certainly had no idea that he was taking the first step towards what is now a 3)multi-billion dollar industry. Today, over 200 billion aspirin are taken 4)annually and more uses for the pill are being found each year.

公元前五世纪,希腊医生希波克拉底以柳树皮制成一种苦药粉,当然他并不知道他所跨出的这一步,至今竟会成为价值数十亿美元的产业。如今每年有逾两千亿颗阿司匹林被人服用,而且每年都会有新的用途被发现。 。

1.1) willow (n.) 柳树 2) bark (n.) 树皮 3) multi-million (a.) 数十亿的 4) annually (adv.) 每年地

2. Throughout history, there have been mentions of the pain-killing uses of willow bark. It was mentioned by the Roman writer Pliny during the first century AD, and in the Middle Ages it was a popular 1)folk medicine for fever. However, during the fifteenth century, 2)stripping the bark off willows was 3)declared 4)illegal--to protect the new wicker industry--and so its use died out.


2.1) folk (a.) 民间的 2) strip (v.) 剥 3) declare (v.) 宣布 4) illegal (a.) 非法的

3.It wasn't until 1763 that aspirin was rediscovered by a British vicar, Edward Stone. During an afternoon walk, Stone felt like 1)chewing a bit of tree bark and started 2)nibbling on a 3)twig broken off from a 4)local willow. He discovered that it tasted like a Peruvian tree bark that was often used as a painkiller. In one of the earliest 5)clinical trials of aspirin, Stone gave the bark to fifty fever 6)sufferers in his parish. It worked.


3.1) chew (v.) 咀嚼2) nibble (v.) 细咬,啃 3) twig (n.) 小树枝 4) local (a.) 当地的 5) clinical (a.) 临床的 6) sufferer (n.) 患者

4. Over the next century, scientists in many different countries tried to make a purer and more pleasant 1)version of willow bark powder. The original 2)stuff worked, but it tasted like, well, tree bark. It made many people feel 3)nauseous and some found it just too unpleasant to take. Finally, in 1853, a French 4)chemist called Charles Gerhardt 5)managed to produce acetyl salicylic acid, or aspirin. But it was not until nearly fifty years later, in Germany, that the drug finally took off in popularity.


4.1) 1) version (n.) 版本,变化形式 2) stuff (n.) 东西 3) nauseous (a.) 欲呕的,反胃的 4) chemist (n.) 化学家 5) manage (v.) 设法做到,勉力完成

5.A young German chemist named Felix Hoffman, working for the Bayer company, tested aspirin on his sick father and tried to 1)persuade the company to put it into production. Bayer, however, was more interested in Hoffman's own recent discovery, diacetylmorphine. This drug made factory workers feel 2)fantastic, and they just couldn't get enough of it. Bayer gave it the catchy name Heroin, tested it on babies and sold it as a cough medicine. It wasn't until five years later that the company actually 3)patented and started producing Aspirin.


5.1) persuade (v.) 说服 2) fantastic (a.) (口)极棒的 3) patent (v.) 取得专利

6. Although the year 1918 brought Germany's defeat in WWI, Bayer was becoming more and more successful. As part of Germany's war reparations, Bayer was forced to give up its patents to both Heroin and Aspirin. That's why in Britain, America, France and Russia aspirin is not a patent medicine, and is spelled with a small "a."


7.By 1950, aspirin was the world's best-selling drug. However, new 1)painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen began to cut into the market, and for the next twenty years, aspirin was just another drug. Then, doctors gradually came to the 2)realization that it was not just a painkiller. In 1974, tests showed that if taken everyday, aspirin can greatly 3)reduce chances of 4)heart attack. In recent years aspirin has been proven to help in the 5)treatment of everything from 6)strokes to cataracts to many kinds of cancer.


7.1) painkiller (n.) 止痛药 2) realization (n.) 了解 3) reduce (v.) 减少,降低 4) heart attack (n.) 心脏病发作 5) treatment (n.) 治疗 6) stroke (n.) 中风

8. The only trouble for drug 1)firms is that aspirin is so cheap to produce that they make little 2)profit. A 3)desperate search is on for a "super-aspirin" that can be patented. Should one be found, it is likely to be expensive. In the words of one doctor, "The 4)potential market is 5)vast. Profits would be 6)unimaginably 7)huge."


8.1) firm (n.) 公司 2) profit (n.) 利润 3) desperate (a.) 迫切的 4) potential (a.) 潜在的 5) vast [v1st] (a.) 广大的 6) unimaginably (adv.) 无法想象地 7) huge (a.) 巨大的

9.But then, who really needs it? Aspirin is already a wonder drug.

