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Ten Great Myths of Physical Fitness



[1]One of the most striking 『显著的;突出的』characteristics 『特征,特点』of the fitness boom『热潮』is how little many people seem to know about the subject. Predictably『可预见地』, beginners are the worst culprits『犯错误者』, but sometimes even those who've been exercising for years have erroneous『错误的;不正确的』ideas about how exercise and their bodies work. Here are some of the most common misconceptions『误解,错误的观念』:


That is a striking commercial success.
The girl is striking in face and figure.

Myth 1: I've been doing 100 sit-ups『仰卧起坐』and side bends a day for weeks. Why can't I get rid of my spare tire『多余的脂肪』?

[2]Because spot『部位』reduction is virtually『事实上;实际上』impossible. "When you utilize『利用』fat it comes from a pool of lipids 『脂类』-fatty substances-throughout the body, not from one specific location," says physiologist『生理学家』Robert M. Otto, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at Adelphi University in Garden City, N. Y. Sit-ups, he points out, are fine for toning『使沉重,结实』the abdominal『腹部的』muscles, but they won't melt fat away『消散;消失』."


[3] So how do you lose fat? It seems relatively simple: just burn off『烧掉;消耗掉』more calories『卡路里,热量单位』through exercise than you take in through food. Even then, explains Dr.Jack Harvey, a physician for the U.S. wrestling『摔跤』team, problem weight may be the last to go: "there's a genetic『基因的』predisposition『倾向』to lay down 『放下』fat in certain areas. We lose weight last from the place we put it on first." For most men, that will be in the abdominal or side areas, and for most women, the upper thighs, buttocks『臀部』and arms.


Myth 2: If I keep lifting weights 『举重』, I'm going to end up looking like one of those heavily muscled body builders.

[4]Don't worry, you won't-not unless you're the one in a million with the genes 『基因』of an Arnold Schwarzenegger. Even then, you'd have to endure『忍耐;忍受』the same kind of grueling 『筋疲力尽』,high-intensity『高强度』workouts that most body builders do. "The average person who works out three times a week for a half-hour will never get this look," notes Dr. Robert J. Murphy, head team physician and clinical associate professor of medicine at Ohio State University.

[4] 大可放心,你不会成功的。除非你有阿诺德·施瓦辛格的基因,但其可能性微乎其微,只有百万分之一。即使那样,你还必须象大多数健美运动员那样进行高强度的锻炼,这种锻炼常常是使人筋疲力尽的。俄亥俄州立大学医务主任临床医学副教授罗伯特·J·墨菲医生提出:"一般人每星期锻炼三次,每次半小时,根本不会变成健美运动员那样?quot;

Myth 3: I don't really need to lose weight. I just want to firm up『稳固;牢固』and redistribute『重新分配』what I've got.

[5]"You can't redistribute weight," says Otto flatly『断然地』. "We're talking about two different elements-fat, and lean 『瘦的,非脂肪的』body mass, which includes muscle, bone and internal『体内的;内部的』organs." If you want to maintain your same basic weight, it's a two-part process: you need to lose fat while gaining lean body tissue『组织』. There's simply no way fat can be "firmed up" into muscle.


[6]This misconception is the basis for another related and frequently 『经常地』repeated myth:


Myth 4: I don't want to start building muscle, because if I stop working out my muscle will turn to fat.

[7] To repeat: muscle can't turn into fat. Fat can't turn into muscle. "The reason many retired 『退休的』athletes often appear overweight is simple," says Joshua Simon, assistant professor of applied physiology『应用生理学』and education at Teachers College, Columbia University. "They don't use their muscles as much as they did in competitive『竞争的;竞争性的』days. Thus their muscles get smaller. But they're still eating about the amount they used to, so they gain fat."


Myth 5: The harder I work, the faster I'll burn off calories.

[8]Eager to get in『到达』shape, the novice『新手;初学者』hops『跳过;跃过』on a stationary『固定的;』bike, cranks up『开动,加快』 the tension and pedals『骑自行车』away. A few minutes later, he is forced to stop, gasping 『喘气,透不过气』for breath, but proud because he gave his heart a real workout and burned off plenty of calories. Or did he?


[9]"In terms of caloric expenditures『支出;消费』, time is more important than intensity『强烈;极度』," says Otto. And the average person cannot sprint 『疾跑』or pedal at a high intensity for very long.


[10]"When it comes to conditioning『训练』your heart and burning calories," adds Simon, "a slower, steady pace is going to burn off more calories in the long run than are short bursts『爆发』of exhaustive『竭力的』 exercise." Stick with activities such as light jogging or walking, which are "aerobic『增氧的;需氧的』," meaning literally "active in the presence of oxygen," as opposed to spurts『爆发』of high-intensity exercise, like a 100-yard dash.


Myth 6: No pain, no gain.

[11] This may be true if you're training for the Olympic team. But for the average person, pain is a warning, not a threshold『门槛』that needs to be crossed to make progress. "Everyone should pay attention to what his body tells him, " says Murphy. "If it hurts, back off『止住;延缓』."


[12]That doesn't mean exercise should involve『需要;意味着』no strain 『竭力,超过极限』or stress. But, as Harvey points out, "There's a difference between pain and discomfort. True pain indicates『指示;指出』an injury『伤害;损害』. The treatment for injury is rest, not more pain."


Myth 7: I want to lose weight fast, so I'll wear an extra sweat suit while I jog.

[13]"Increased sweating merely dehydrates 『脱水』you more quickly," says Otto. "When you weigh yourself, that will appear as weight loss. But within twenty-four to thirty-six hours your body will return to normal hydration『水合作用』. It's simply a temporary water-weight loss that you're seeing. And, under some conditions, that loss could be dangerous."


[14]The principal way the body has to dissipate 『散发』heat is through the skin, Murphy explains. In a doubled or rubber sweat suit, the body is unable to evaporate 『蒸发』sweat, and therefore retains heat. Dehydration and heat stroke are sometimes encountered『遇到』by football players, who usually were helmets『头盔;帽盔』, pads and jerseys (运动) , while runners and marathoners『跑马拉松的人』, who typically run in shorts and mesh tank tops『网状背心或短袖汗衫』, dissipate『驱散;消散』heat more easily. So dress in lightweight, loose-fitting clothes for workouts.


Myth 8: If some exercise is good, more must be better.

[15]Too much of a good thing can have negative『反面的,消极的』consequences『后果,影响』. Overtraining, notes Simon, is a problem, especially for beginners. The body needs time to rest and recover. In fact, it's during those periods of rest that the positive『积极的;建设性的』adaptations『调整,适应』we seek from training (increased muscle mass, improved cardiovascular『心血管』conditioning) actually take place.


[16]Furthermore, exercise reaches a point of diminishing『减少的』returns. "If you exercise three times a week," Simon says, "you're making gains. But if you exercise six times a week, your gains will not be twice as great; they'll be only slightly higher. You also increase the risk of injuries due to overtraining."


[17] What's the answer? "Moderation『适度』," declares Murphy. "It's the answer to everything, in eating, in drinking, in exercise."


Myth 9: Don't eat before working out.

[18]"World records have been set by athletes who ate hamburgers and brownies 『巧克力小方饼』moments before their event," says Otto. "But, some people can't eat for hours before exercise without feeling sick. It's really an individual preference."


[19] In fact, it might be advisable to exercise after eating. Simon notes that mild exercise shortly after a meal can burn up more calories than exercise done later on. So the custom of an after-dinner stroll 『散步』 may have medical validity 『确证』.


Myth 10: It's better to work out in the morning.

[20]Only if you're in the Marines『海军陆战队』and you're ordered to. "Exercise whenever it's most convenient for you," advises Otto. The sole『唯一的』exception is during hot weather when, Murphy notes, you should exercise in early morning or late evening to avoid the hottest, most humid『潮湿的』hours.


She has the sole responsibility for bringing up the child.
Phil is the sole heir to all that property.
1. This may be true if you're training for the Olympic team. But for the average person, pain is a warning, not a threshold that needs to be crossed to make progress.(11)
2. There's a difference between pain and discomfort. True pain indicates an injury. The treatment for injury is rest, not more pain."(12)
3. 健身热潮的显著特征之一是很多人对于健身这项运动认识太少。(1)
4. 一般人每星期锻炼三次,每次半小时,根本不会变成健美运动员那样。(4)
5. 就热量消耗而言,时间比强度更重要。(9)
6. 好的事情不一定有好的结果。(15)
7. 唯一例外是夏季应在清早或晚上锻炼,以避开太热或太潮的时候。(20)
