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“A controversial candidate like Zeng offers audiences a sense of participation, and they feel they are the masters of the program,” says Yu Dongping, a researcher specializing in the entertainment industry.

Sporting short-cropped hair, a white shirt and black trousers, she stood at ease before the microphone, strumming her acoustic guitar and singing “Redundant Falling Star.”


Fans waved her portrait in the air, swaying in rhythm with her original, gentle, simple song.
Suddenly a voice called out from the audience, “Zeng Yike, why are you still here? Get Out!”, followed by several catcalls.

Zeng paused a few seconds, then continued, maintaining a faint smile. This incident was by no means unusual for Zeng.


Since she entered the national rounds of the Hunan 2009 Happy Girl Singing Competition in June, she remains by far the most controversial candidate.  

Those who support her affectionately dub her “sheep angel” for her “sheep-like thrill” and admire her “simple but pure and sincere” original music.    更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

Those who hate her attack her as “tone-deaf” and urge her to quit the competition altogether.
“Sheep-like? Oh please…don’t insult the sheep!” Guo Tiegang, 29, told the Global Times. “I would rather hear a ‘baa’!”

Zhao Xuan, 26, said Zeng was “defiling our ears.”
“She cannot find a correct tune. I am always wondering why she still remains on the platform.”

They use different criteria to judge different candidates, claimed 26-year-old Liu Xin.

“Why are other candidates eliminated for one wrong note, while Zeng never hits a correct note yet still remains?”

Gu Bo, 25, believes Zeng has stayed the course through her “individuality.” “Zeng’s original music and special sound distinguish her from other candidates. She has a clear brand, easy to remember.”

Lin Hongcheng, 27, agrees.
“Zeng’s unique music and sound offers something fresh to judges who must tire of so many similar singers with good singing skills.”

Such debate reminds people of the most famous “Super Girl” of them all: Li Yuchun. Equally as divisive as Zeng, Li finally won out in the most famous 2005 contest with 3,528,308 public votes, and remains popular to this day.

“Li’s success changed my attitude toward this program,” Lin said, “Different from official competitions like CCTV Young Singers Television Competition, this program focuses on entertainment and commerciality.”

This year’s contest has been renamed Happy Girl, a reflection of the drastic and draconian changes to the format forced upon the program’s producers by China’s State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) in the interests of more healthy viewing.

On top of three years of heightening restrictions, SARFT this year finally forbid the show’s key money-making gimmick: popular voting via mobile phone text message, online or telephone.

Now all voting rests in the hands of an expanded panel of expert judges that accept limited input from representatives of ordinary popular opinion.

Not only that, but SARFT insisted the show be moved to 10:30 pm and expressly forbade so-called “sensational” scenes like “crying on each others’ shoulders” from appearing on screen.

The spectacular commercial success and sensational popularity of Super Girl has long upset not only rival TV channels but some traditionalists within the Chinese government.

Liu Zhongde, former Minister of Culture and President of China Association of Performing Arts criticized the show in 2006 for its “vulgar culture,” according to the culture column at 163 website.

To prevent the negative effects of reality shows on youth, SARFT issued a policy in 2006 that any reality show could not be launched without their express advance permission and subject to requirements imposed by SARFT.

The 2006 contest was forbidden to accept candidates under 18 years old, and “impractical, accusing or offensive” comments by jurors were prohibited.

SARFT also banned the popular preliminary qualifying rounds in local districts from being broadcast on provincial satellite TV stations.

Fast Facts
The Super Girl talent show began in 2004. Competition operator EE-Media makes the final 10 or 20 candidates sign a contract.

Before 2009, the final result of the contest was determined by a professional jury and public SMS vote. SMS voting was forbidden this year, with the result determined by various judges

实习生:杨丽萍 编辑
