爱思英语编者按:还没赶得及去看阿凡达的人们这回有了个alternative option——张家界!潘多拉星球还不知道在哪个星系漂着,但张家界可是实打实杵在地球上,景色优美,交通便捷,服务一条龙,张家界政府此举可谓大快人心。建议招几个脸上涂着蓝颜料的人出没于山林间,更有外星气氛。 A craggy peak in a scenic part of southern China has been renamed after floating mountains featured in Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar," with the local government hoping to cash in on the movie's massive success. The "Southern Sky Column" in Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province had its name changed to "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" in a ceremony yesterday, according to the Zhangjiajie government's official Website. The government said the floating "Hallelujah Mountains" in the movie were inspired by the "Southern Sky Column," as a Hollywood photographer had spent time shooting there in 2008. "Many pictures he took then became prototypes for various elements in the 'Avatar' movie, including the 'Hallelujah Mountains'," the Website said. "Avatar" has so far made around US$102 million on the Chinese mainland, and has become the country's most popular film to date. Zhangjiajie hopes to capitalise on that fame. Tourists can join a "Magical tour to Avatar-Pandora" or a "Miracle tour to Avatar's floating mountain," the Zhangjiajie branch of the China International Travel Service Corp said on its Website. "Pandora is far but Zhangjiajie is near," the local government added on its Website. |