One of the great remaining mysteries of ancient Egypt, the lineage of the boy-pharaoh Tutankhamun, may soon be solved, the country's antiquities supremo hinted on Sunday.
Zahi Hawass told AFP he has scheduled a news conference for February 17 in the Cairo Museum to unveil the findings from DNA samples taken from the world's most famous pharaoh. 哈瓦斯表示,“进行DNA分析后,根据对图坦卡蒙木乃伊的科学检验结果。此次发布的内容将关系到图坦卡蒙家族血缘方面的秘密。” The announcement will be "about the secrets of the family and the affiliation of Tutankhamun, based on the results of the scientific examination of the Tutankhamun mummy following DNA analysis," Hawass said. 这位少年法老于9岁时登基,19岁左右神秘死亡。1922年英国考古学家在帝王谷发掘出了图坦卡蒙的陵墓,这在当时也引起了国际上的轰动。 The tomb of the boy king, who reigned from the age of nine and died under as yet unknown circumstances at about 19, was unearthed by British archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings in 1922, causing an international sensation. 2008年8月,埃及古文物界的权威们表示,他们已取得了图坦卡蒙木乃伊的DNA标本,并将根据墓中两个尚未出生便夭折的胎儿,来确定他们究竟是不是这位少年法老的孩子。 In August 2008, Egypt's antiquities authorities said they had taken DNA samples from Tutankhamun's mummy and from two fetuses found in his tomb to determine whether the still-born children had been fathered by the boy king. 哈瓦斯表示,接下来,DNA测试还会确定图坦卡蒙的身世,以及两个死婴是否为图坦卡蒙和安肯森娜蒙所生。安肯森娜蒙是历史上最著名的美女之一,奈费尔提蒂的女儿。 Hawass said then the DNA tests also would determine Tutankhamun's lineage, and whether the foetuses were the offspring of Tutankhamun and Ankhesenpamon, the daughter of Nefertiti who is renowned as one of history's great beauties. 他声称,该研究结果将有助于辨认埃及女王奈费尔提蒂的木乃伊。 He had said the results of the studies would also help in identifying the mummy of queen Nefertiti. 图坦卡蒙亲生父母的身份仍是个谜团。尽管人们确定他的父亲是阿肯纳顿法老,但是对其母亲仍旧一无所知。 Mystery has surrounded the identities of Tutankhamun's own parents: while his father was the Pharaoh Akhenaton, his mother remains unknown. 对于3000年前这位少年法老的死因,至今仍然是历史学家争论的焦点。一些人认为他死于腿部外伤感染,另一些人称他死于谋杀,头部曾遭到重击。 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/ The boy king's death more than 3,000 years ago remains the subject of dispute among historians, with some believing he died when a leg injury turned gangrenous, and others saying he was murdered by a blow to the head. 图坦卡蒙是他那个朝代的最后一位统治者,暗杀死因理论也是基于这一事实。 Theories that he was assassinated stemmed from the fact that he was the last ruler of his dynasty. 相关词汇 |