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09最佳着装男人 007吸血鬼榜上有名


爱思英语编者按:最新一任的詹姆斯·邦德Daniel Craig连续四年进入GQ男性时尚杂志评选的最佳着装榜单十强。而新星罗伯特·帕丁森则一跃成为冠军,英国首相和法国总统则不幸沦为最差着装。

Daniel Craig has landed in the top ten of GQ Magazine’s Best Dressed list for the fourth straight year in a row.

最新一任的詹姆斯·邦德Daniel Craig连续四年进入GQ男性时尚杂志评选的最佳着装榜单十强。

As reported on the official website, the James Bond star came in at #6 overall this year, down two spots from his 2009 position. Says GQ:

据官网上的报道,这任007在今年的榜单上排名第6,比去年下滑了2个座次。GQ杂志援引时尚作家Hywel Davies的话说:

‘His Alfred Dunhill suits and formal approach to dressing are inherently British and he should be revered for his celebration of classic, rigorous British tailoring.’ – Hywel Davies, fashion author.


Favouring all the great British brands, from Sunspel to Turnbull & Asser, this Bond certainly dresses to kill.

从Sunspel到Turnbull & Asser,所有的卓越的英国品牌都是这位邦德的最爱,他的品位确实俘获了时尚人士的心。

Topping the list was Twilight superstar Robert Pattinson, followed closely by Take That, Alex Turner and Tom Ford, among others.

名列榜首的是《暮光之城》男主角罗伯特·帕丁森,紧随其后的是音乐人Take That、Alex Turner与Tom Ford等等。

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was named the worst dressed man of the year, alongside stars including Russell Brand, Piers Morgan and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

英国首相戈登·布朗被评为年度最差着装男性,其它不入流的还有Katy Perry的男友Russell Brand以及《英国达人》的评委Piers Morgan,当然还有法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐。

The top 50 best dressed will be included in the February 2010 issue of GQ, due out on 7 January.


