爱思英语编者按:不久前,中国社科院一项研究发现,自上世纪80年代以来,性别选择性人工流产( sex-specific abortion)造成大量男性人口的出生。性别失衡意味着在未来10年将出现许多代际婚姻:年轻男性跟比自己大很多的女性结婚。
A study by the government-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences named the gender imbalance among newborns as the most serious demographic problem for the country's population of 1.3 billion. “性别选择性人工流产现象仍很严重,农村地区尤为如此,”那里重男轻女风气最浓。研究指出,导致性别失衡的原因很“复杂”。 "Sex-specific abortions remained extremely commonplace, especially in rural areas," where the cultural preference for boys over girls is strongest, the study said, noting the reasons for the gender imbalance were "complex". 据《环球时报》报道,研究员王光州(音译)表示,倾斜的出生率会导致低收入男性很难娶到老婆,同时也会导致夫妻双方年龄差距的加大。 A researcher, Wang Guangzhou, said the skewed birth ratio could lead to difficulties for men with lower incomes in finding spouses, as well as a widening age gap between partners, according to the Global Times. 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/ 该报援引另一位研究员王跃升(音译)的话说,中国较贫困地区的大龄未婚男性可能被迫晚婚或者“光棍”一生,这很可能“打断家族体系”。 Another researcher quoted by the newspaper, Wang Yuesheng, said men in poorer parts of China would be forced to accept marriages late in life or remain single for life, which could "cause a break in family lines". “在农村,40岁以上的剩男将很难讨到老婆。随着年龄增长,他们会更多依赖于社会保障,而可依赖的家庭资源却变得越来越少。”王先生说。 "The chance of getting married will be rare if a man is more than 40 years old in the countryside. They will be more dependent on social security as they age and have fewer household resources to rely on," said Mr Wang. 研究还指出,导致这一现象的主要原因包括国家的计划生育政策(限制公民生育子女的数量)以及不完备的社会保障制度。 The study said the key contributing factors to the phenomenon included the nation's family-planning policy, which restricts the number of children citizens may have, as well as an insufficient social security system. 这种现状导致人们想要男孩,因为人们普遍认为成年男性更有希望赚到大钱,因而更有能力照顾年迈的父母。 The situation influenced people to seek male offspring, who are preferred for their greater earning potential as adults and thus their ability to care for their elderly parents. 《环球时报》援引国家人口和计划生育委员会数据称,在男性过剩地区,诱拐、贩卖女性现象十分猖獗。 The Global Times said abductions and trafficking of women were "rampant" in areas with excess numbers of men, citing the National Population and Family Planning Commission. 报道称,这些地区的非法婚姻和强迫卖淫问题也很严重。 Illegal marriages and forced prostitution were also problems in those areas, it said. 专家指出,自然情况下,男女性别比例的正常范围为103-107(女=100)。但据《环球时报》报道,在2005年,该比例为119比100。 Authorities put the normal male-female ratio at between 103-107 males for every 100 females. But in 2005, there were 119 boys for every 100 girls, the newspaper said. 然而,《晚镜报》报道,研究发现,在某些地区,男女比例高达130比100。 However, the study said that in some areas the male-female ratio was as high as 130 males for every 100 females, a report by the Mirror Evening newspaper said. 相关词汇 |