遥祭— 5.12 汶川大地震
爱思英语编者按:5.12”汶川特大地震已经过去两年,两年时光匆匆而过,怆然回首,苍茫大地上,浴火重生的四川谱写了一首首气壮山河的华章,创造了一部部感天动地的人间奇迹。四川在废墟中挺立、在不屈中前行、在感恩中奋进。爱思网友湖畔呓语旅居海外多年,在遥远的世界另一端诚挚地为灾区人民祈福,特意翻译了深情的诗歌,缅怀地震中的遇难同胞。 “闻巨震,心悲凉,仿古风”湖畔呓语 湖畔呓语 遥祭 中国 5.12 汶川地震 寄 AceRadio / Si-chuan China. 闻震心惊儿念母,一语无言夜长久 川中巨震波九州, 篱下游子愁一种。 夜半五更泣入肠, 一语难言笔如掾; 聏妻斥儿神难守。 匹夫无奈自扪胸; 何处觅得定(乾)坤轴, 拿得七洋满(安)华钟! Never, provinces n' world shaken by this, See, death, and those bodies laid stunned n' in stone silence? Sadness but nothing sinks foreign seas, Tear drops down the face, was the midnight sleepless, fluent pen sucks n' hardly a few sentences, angered, a strange voice heard from a man in house, Everyday man's pain is pain the deepest. Where to find a magic pole that holds the world? When could oceans flow in peace? 闻巨震,一语哭,夜无光, 字入筐,悲欲吼,心怅凉! 乐音哀,望长空: The deadly quake felt weaker miles n' miles away, but the news hurts. the night darkest, my face wet the saddest tears papers torn in pieces n' pieces pen seems useless, it sucks pain grows, grows Out I cry! A Stranger, there I stand music sounds no more sweet, thus, the planet is the witness the star falls |