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爱思英语编者按:恋爱中的情侣恨不得每天都粘在一起,寒冷的时候有个怀抱,孤独的时候有个陪伴。虽然说,距离产生美,但对于异地恋情(long-distance relationship)而言,距离往往会成为一种考验。一首歌中曾唱道: “距离是一份考卷,测量相爱的誓言,最后会不会实现。”


Long-distance relationships are becoming more common in China today, as transportation and communication becomes easier and faster. According to a recent survey carried out by China Youth Daily, 61.7 percent of 2,149 university-aged respondents said many of their friends or classmates in long-distance relationships planned to end them when they graduate, 32.7 percent said they had at least some friends in this situation and only 4.7 percent said they only knew a few people like that.

A "long-distance relationship investigation" by a newspaper in Nanjing reported that half the couples in such relationships are under the age of 30, and that most were in college or at the beginning stages of their career.

The main reasons the couples were separated were overseas education (35 percent of respondents) and different job locations (43 percent of respondents).

On www.yidilian.com, an online forum dedicated to long-distance relationships, nearly 50 percent of the forum members said they are in such relationships because their boyfriends or girlfriends are studying in another country.

北京人严华(音译)于去年嫁给了一位美国人;婚前,她同未婚夫曾维持了三年的异地恋情。 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/
Yan Hua, a Beijing woman who married an American man last year, had a long-distance relationship with her future husband for three years before they married.

他们是在好友的婚礼上结识的。由于男方在美国工作,而严华的工作地点则在北京,他们大都通过MSN和电话来联络。严华说:“我们之间有一条雷打不动的规定,那就是无论什么情况,我们每天中午都会在MSN上交谈。” They met each other at a mutual friend's wedding. Since the man worked in the US and Yan worked in Beijing, they mainly communicate through MSN and phone calls.

She said their relationship persevered because both she and her future husband believed it had a future. During their three-year courtship, Yan's future husband came to China just four times, including their initial meeting at the wedding.

严华说:“拥有共同目标这十分重要。在网上约会了一段时间后,我便开始申请美国的大学。所以我们清楚彼此会在某一时刻相聚的。” "Having the same goals is important. I started to apply to American universities after we dated each other online for a while. So we know we were going to be together at some point," said Yan.

In 2008, Yan successfully applied to a US college and went there in the summer. They spent one year together in the US and then decided to marry last year. Yan graduated, found work at a small company near their home and they are now starting a family.

段凤(音译)毕业于北京交通大学,她和男友在一起已经有三年时间了,但今年九月她的男友将去加拿大求学。她则选择继续留校攻读硕士学位。 Duan Feng, a graduate of Beijing Jiaotong University has had a boyfriend for three years, but this September her boyfriend will leave for Canada to study. She will remain in school here in China studying for her master's degree.

"I feel nervous that I am going be apart from him. We stayed together for most of the past three years. He has become part of my life," said Duan. "But I believe that we will have a future. He promised me that he will come back after graduation. Two years is not a long time but it is not short either."

In an online survey on a dating website, www.jiayuan.com, which asked respondents if they had confidence in their long-distance relationships, 48.65 percent of male respondents said they did, while fewer than 20 percent of female respondents said so.

Some respondents said being separated by long distances was a good test of the relationship's seriousness, given the expenses involved in transportation and communications.

"Long-distance love is full of risks even today, no matter how developed transportation and telecommunication devices have become. Those who suffer a long-distance relationship do it either out of idealization or paying less attention to the real conditions," said Jiang Qianjin, well-known psychologist with Zhejiang University.

"A couple that cannot live together in the same city will know less of their partner's character, life styles, attitudes from their parents, as a result of the distance, which might turn out to be a potential hazard for the relationships," he added.

Jiang said a process from long-distance romance to marriage was necessary to sustain the relationship.

"It is the attitudes and feeling of person-to-person contact that makes a difference."


courtship 求爱期,追求期
hazard 危险
idealization 理想化
make a difference 很重要
persevere 坚持
solid 坚硬的
start a family 开始怀第一个孩子

