爱思英语编者按:为了追求青春美丽,什么方法都称不上太古怪。从使用鸟屎和人的胎盘等怪异的成分到为阴部做整形手术,让我们来回顾一下人们在21世纪头十年为追求美丽所采用的一些最疯狂的方法。 1.Is that poo on your face? 2.De-stressing snakes For most people, snakes elicit a sense of panic. But the owner of Ada Barak’s Carnivorous Plant Farm near Tel Aviv, Israel, believes she’s harnessed the relaxing power of the slithering creatures. In 2007, she made headlines for her new spa offering: For $70, spa-goers can get a massage from six non-venomous serpents2, which are placed on different surfaces of the body. Salon owners found a whole new use for fish, making a splash with fish pedicures in 2008. Customers plunge their tootsies into a tank filled with tiny fish that nibble off dead skin, resulting in softer feet. Vanilla, cocoa, fruit – the essences of sweet foods have long been present in personal care product fragrances. But this decade, some companies have looked to the savory scents of our favorite processed foods for inspiration. In 2008, Burger King came out with “Flame,” which they describe as a “scent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat.” |