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爱思英语编者按:最新发布的《中产家庭幸福白皮书》显示,中国大多中产阶级生活得并不幸福。面对越来越大的压力,这些有车有房,收入可观的人群却显得更为脆弱。看来,中国在实施扩大中产阶层(middle class)计划方面还有很长一段路要走。


Daniel Zhou paused, trying to remember his son's age.

While it might seem shocking to some, his situation is far from unique among members of Shanghai's middle class, many of whom can not easily recall their children's birthdays or grades in school. They simply do not have time to spend with their families.

Zhou, a department director with a media company in Shanghai, said he does not feel happy, even though he has a 300,000-yuan ($45,000) annual income, a well-decorated downtown apartment and a fancy car.

Zhou said an intensive workload, little leisure time and pressure from almost all facets of life erode his happiness.

"But we can't complain," he said. "At least we are better off than migrant workers."

Shanghai's middle-class families are the least happy, according to the White Book of Happiness of Middle Class Families released early this year.

The white book was based on surveys of more than 100,000 people from 35 cities in 10 provinces and municipalities.

Even in the happiest provinces, such as Jiangsu, Sichuan and Fujian, more than half of middle class families said they are "not happy".

But Chinese Academy of Social Sciences` Social Policy Research Center Secretary General Tang Jun said the government should continue to strive to bring a third of the population into the middle class during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) period. The middle class should become society`s backbone and shoulder responsibility, he said.

About 23 percent of Chinese are middle class, and the proportion could increase to 40 percent by 2020, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher Lu Xueyi said.

"In the rat race that is keeping up with the Joneses, people forget about the most precious parts of life, such as spending time with families." Daniel Zhou said.

"People want to be both rich and responsible. But they crave money more than anything else, including responsibility, until they feel financially secure," Zhou said.

相关词汇 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

crave 热望,渴望
facet 方面
keep up with the Joneses 赶上别人,与……攀比
rat race 激烈的竞争,忙忙碌碌的生活

