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WASHINGTON POST - A young Chinese woman wanted to know: What is the English word for that gunky yellowish stuff in the corner of her eyes when she wakes up in the morning?

华盛顿邮报 - 有个中国女生想知道:每天早上醒来的时候,自己眼角上的那个黄黄的污秽物用英语怎么说?

She turned to Jessica Beinecke, the 24-year-old host of an online travel video program aimed at young Chinese viewers, and Beinecke responded with a humorous segment for her show, explaining in fluent Mandarin and exaggerated gestures all the icky stuff that comes from the face.

于是她向白洁(Jessica Beinecke)求助。24岁的白洁主持一档面向中国青年观众的在线旅行视频节目。白洁用一段自己录制的有趣的视频来答复她,并用流利的中文、夸张的动作讲解脸上的“各种屎”。

The segment, called "Yucky Gunk," went viral, garnering nearly 1.5 million hits. And all of a sudden a petite blond Midwesterner, who is not Chinese and only began studying the language five years ago, became an iconic translator of American slang for pop-culture-hungry Chinese fans.

这段名为“Yucky Gunk”的视频,在网上走红,获得将近150万的点击率。这个娇小玲珑,满头金发的女孩出乎意料地成为追求流行文化的中国粉丝心目中的美国俚语标志性的翻译员。而她并不是中国人,她来自美国中西部,5年前才开始学习中文。

