爱思英语编者按:近日,那头在社交媒体上粉丝无数的查理士王小猎犬完成了她的时尚大片首拍。在图片社交网络Instagram上,吐司(Toast)凭借耷拉着舌头、没有牙齿的呆萌模样赢得了15.5万多名粉丝,她近日和凯伦•沃克(Karen Walker)品牌的创始人凯伦•沃克一道为该品牌2015年夏季的太阳镜产品拍摄了一组时尚广告大片。 A stylish Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a large social media following has landed her first major fashion campaign. 近日,那头在社交媒体上粉丝无数的查理士王小猎犬完成了她的时尚大片首拍。 Toast, a toothless dog with a drooping tongue and more than 155,000 Instagram followers, stars in Karen Walker's summer 2015 eyewear campaign alongside Ms Walker herself. 在图片社交网络Instagram上,吐司(Toast)凭借耷拉着舌头、没有牙齿的呆萌模样赢得了15.5万多名粉丝,她近日和凯伦•沃克(Karen Walker)品牌的创始人凯伦•沃克一道为该品牌2015年夏季的太阳镜产品拍摄了一组时尚广告大片。 在2011年,吐司被29岁的纽约漫画家、笔名Fat Jew的乔什•奥斯特罗夫斯基(Josh Ostrovsky)及妻子凯蒂•史杜瑞诺(Katie Sturino)从幼犬滥育场育种场救出。这只人气萌犬受到许多时尚界大咖的青睐,如《Lucky》杂志主编陈怡桦(Eva Chen)、时尚博客Man Repeller的博主莱安德拉•梅丁(Leandra Medine )等。 The campaign sees Toast modeling various sunglasses, both by herself and alongside the designer; in fact, several of the images show Ms Walker and her canine companion sporting the same shades side by side. 在这组时尚大片中,吐司展示了许多款太阳眼镜,有“个人展示”,还有与设计师沃克的合作展示。事实上,有几张宣传照里,沃克和这只汪星人搭档戴着同款太阳镜。
这位来自新西兰的设计师于上周日在Instagram上发帖宣布吐司为品牌最新“代言人”。帖子里说道:“这头可爱的红毛小狗的故事是现实版的《灰姑娘》。她曾在恶劣的环境里生存,然后被救出,最后用她出色的样貌、迷人的个性和独特的幽默感一炮而红。” 帖子的配图是吐司戴着时髦玳瑁框眼镜的照片,已经获得了近5000个赞。 Toast's owners also shared an image from the campaign on her Instagram account, noting: 'None of the photos are photoshopped. I'm just that good.' 吐司的主人也在吐司的个人账号上分享了其中一张宣传照,注解道:“这些照片都没P过,我就是这么美。” Ms Walker said that she was nervous about posing next to the famous pup. 沃克女士表示,与这只明星狗狗一起拍摄她有些紧张。 'It’s pretty hard to compete with a toothless dog with its tongue hanging out,' she admitted. 她坦言:“想不被耷拉着舌头、没有牙齿的吐司比下去,很不容易。” 吐司被救出来的时候,牙齿已经全部腐坏,因此被拔除。 Ms Walker's previous eyewear campaigns have featured other unexpected models, such as small children, Kenyan artisans and women from Advanced Style, a website that showcases the fashion of senior citizens. 沃克女士此前的太阳镜广告宣传片也起用过一些出人意料的模特,从幼童到肯尼亚的工匠,再到老年人时尚网站“银发也时尚(Advanced Style)”的奶奶级时尚达人,都参加过凯伦•沃克品牌的拍摄。 |